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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 2, 2004
What is a good RO. Is there one that i do not have to incorporate into the underneath of my sink?
In other words, is there one that i can just attach to my faucet, and store it away when not in use?
I'd be interested in something like this too. I don't really know any plumbing terminology or have any skills in that area.

Are there any that run like big Brita filters, as snowdude said? ;)
Most any RO unit will give you the option of choosing either a piercing, garden hose fitting or sink faucet fitting connection. As for the waste water drain, you just need to clamp it down a bit to the side of your sink like behind a hang on or suction cup sponge holder.
IMO, the Aqua-FX Barracuda is a very good 4 stage RO-DI unit with clear cannisters that has consistently given me 0 TDS output water.
The gpd is what the unit will produce in a 24 hour period. So you can imagine how slow the water is produced. Go with the 100 gpd, it is only slightly higher in cost, and the RO membrane will last longer than the 50 gpd.
Also invest the $20 in the membrane flushing kit even though it's just a couple of fittings, valve & tubing but this device will extend the life of the membrane by two times.
I ordered the flush kit afterwards & had to figure out how to connect it, if you order it with your RO, they will probably connect it for you since they are made to order.
Remember that the GPD rating is at a water temp of 75F at ground water temp which is usually 55F you will get less htan the rated output. You also have to keep in mind that you need a drain to handle the waste water. Although it will be more work to hook it up permenantly it will save timne and alot of work in the long run.
I have the Kent Marine RO/DI four stage unit. I have to say that my aquarium water is crystal clear, my nitrates are at 0, and no more algea growth to clean off of the glass every day. i am very happy with the product. As far as installation goes...if you have a laundry sink it is way easy. I just hung mine in the wall of our laundry room, got a "Y" splitter that you would use for a garden hose, attatched that to the facet end. the water input goes into one side of the Y adaptor and the free end is for normal use into your sink. Mine is rated at 60 gpd and that seems to be plenty of water for me. But I am only maintaining a 40 gal and a 30 gal. If you actually need to mess with plumbing, trust me, you do not want advice from me. Good luck...Lando
Jut to jump in with my 2 cents... I have the Typhoon III from It's a five stage unit with clear housings and all fittings are included as are the bypass and a TDS meter. Walter has always answered my questions promptly.

I also suggest you go with the 100 gpd model, whichever company you buy from.
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