Ropefish hides all day .

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 21, 2008
South Carolina USA.
I have a tank with a Ropefish in it and all he does is hide 24/7. He likes sticks himself into a tiny little cave thing I have an just chills. Is this normal? Should I provide something more to make him "happier " So won't hide all the time. Maybe like another ropefish .
Another wouldn't hurt, if your tank is large enough and your water parameters are correct for ropefish. They usually prefer the company of their own kind. They're also very gentle fish and prone to being bullied, so if you have fish in the tank that pick on it, it won't come out much except at night.
Ropefish are in the same family as bichirs, and as such, are somewhat shy by nature. Given time however, they can learn to recognize their owner, and will interact a bit.
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