rot tailed angel fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
hong kong
i bought 4 angels fish together, but recently i have noticed some kind of fin rot on one of them. Part of its body also appeared to be duller in colour compared to the other areas. THe top fin is kinda rotted away. I put it into a jar and added some blue medicine. Dont know what to do next, what if it doesnt heal?
The jar is probably not the greatest hospital tank. What are your test readings in the main tank? ammonia, nitrite etc. If it is fin rot it is generally from poor water quality.

It could be bacterial in which case you can try antibiotics. Put the little guy in a clean 5 gallon bucket that will be a much better hospital tank.
thnx, i will test the water tmr... but recently the water has been tinited yellow. i was told that it was probably from the wood decorations so i diditn bother about it.... is it possible that this is the cause? the water's pH level was neutral around 7 to 7.2. And the filter system is going well. other fishes, such as bala sharks and sucker mouth are all healthy. I have also another angel fish that have a white spot on its lip and a white mark on its tail, but the mark had spreaded to a fade whiteish shade on its tail fin. Is tat yet anotehr disease?
Tannins from the driftwood will not make the fish sick. How often are you doing water changes and how much each time? The water parameters are key in determining if the problem is poor water quality.
well, i do water changes like once per a few days, usaully 4 or 5 days. I do up to one fifth or a quater. But sitll i couldnt get rid of the yellow tint in the water.
PLEASE help! another angel fish got the same symptoms... it started like a white stain on the fin. Then it spreaded to the base of the fin, causing the scales on the tail look dull and swollen... puffy sorta. It was wt happened to my other angel, which had a puffy half body and the fin all rotted away. is this possibly ich? but there's not salt of grain like stuff on its gills, it only started like a patch n stays on the tail... its like a patch of salt...
Hi Dom, I had some similar problems that were attributable to poor water conditions. If you can find one, purchase a water Master Test Kit from API. It's critical to knowing if the water is causing the problem (test strips don't work well and won't give you the ammonia level). I found out quickly that pwc's are a huge help when quality is the issue. I didn't even have to use any medication and the fish healed on its own.
ooooh really? the test kit... does it test ammonia? or nitrates... n i think the disease is velvet... caused by fungi... n so i m gonna buy some anti fungal chemicals... but two died already... sadly. yea the water has a yellow tint to it, but they say its just from the wood
Yes, I also thought I had something fungal (I had fin rot with a white substance) but with partial water changes (pwc's) of about 25% per day, it cleared up completely on its own without chemicals or medications and the fish got healthier fairly quickly.
hmm haha lucky u... mine died... well oen did... the other just suffered in the hospital tank, one fin couldnt move so i was kinda on the side... u put it down,.... well tmr i m buying those chemicals n a heater... they say by rasing the temperature, one maybe able to reduce or kill of the ich or velvet... is tat true?
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