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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 23, 2004
San Jose, CA
Has anyone ever had problems ordering from I'm thinking about filing a complaint against them.

I recently placed an order with them and I didn't receive all of the things on my order. Also I ordered a bottle of strontium and it arrived empty.

When I emailed them about it all they had to say was that they had 2 people check the order.

Grrrr .... stoopid no good internet ...
I haven't had a problem with them but now thats a different story!! We ordered a blue tang and it died within the 10 day time they replaced it but that one arrived dead! They won't do anything to resolve this. I have left several messages with higher ups and no response yet. So I feel your pain! Try and get ahold of a supervisor and if that doesnt work go to their supervisor up the line till you are happy! HTH! Sue
I would contact them a second time, only by phone, and ask if there is some way you can get a credit or another shipped to you.
I would if they had one :) Their customer service department is an aol address.

I just checked the Better Business Bureau and they have an unsatisfactory rating:

"Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s). Report as of: 6/14/2004"

They replaced the lettuce nudi I bought that died the next day w/ no problem at all. Everything else was great IME
I would post your bad experience with them on their message boards.
I had two problems with the shrimp:
(1) I ordered 15 peppermint shrimp ... there were (3) bags that were labeled (5) however there were only 3-4 shrimp in each one. I looked at them for 15 minutes so I know the little guys weren't hiding anywhere.
(2) I received 5 cleaner shrimp ... 4 of them were active ... one of them was umm "asleep". Following their acclimation instructions I placed the shrimp together and started the acclimation. It didn't take long for the 4 active cleaner shrimp to clean the sleeping one right up. :( That was my fault though ... I should have known better. Maybe he would have come back to life had I put him in a separate bucket.

Make sure you look at their return instructions carefully. They want you to send back the dead items in salt via registered mail.

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