Sand shufflers :D

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 29, 2012
Northern Colorado
I'm putting together plans to re-do my cichlid tank in sand.

I was trying to find some creatures that would assist in 'stirring' and cleaning the sand. As a lot of other fishes won't do well with the Cichlids, I was looking into snails....

I found these: Malaysian Trumpet Snails and they seem like they'd be a good fit.

Ideas, thoughts, and suggestions please!
MTS (Malaysian trumpet snails) are probably the most common creature used to stir up the sand in aquariums ;) you were correct in thinking these would do the job
They don't clean the sand, mine actually spend more time above the substrate than below and poop on everything. Just use your hands/ siphon to stir up the sand. Why buy something to preform a function in your tank that you could easily do yourself with out much effort?
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