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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 19, 2004
OK, I've seen on here he previous posts what type of play sand to buy. Now I can't find them. Could someone please repeat it for the thousandth time please.
Southdown tropical play sand found at some home depots. The newer brand name for the same product is New Castle I believe.
The Home Depot's around here all have Basalite. Is this not the same stuff?
No the bags are labeled (red and blue label 50 lb bags) Southdown, Tropical , Playsand. Soft Texture.Sterilized. Silica free. From the Caribbean. I have 4 bags in my garage the SKU number is 906020100. I would go to home Depot and give them that number and see if any local stores have it in stock and if so see if they can transfer some over to your store.
I can't find old castle, new castle or any castle but white castle and I don't think hamburgers are going to do me any good. :D

I was told by my LFS that I can use regular play sand as long as it is washed and sifted. He also advised to put the sand in boiling water first.

Is this still a bad idea?
How big is your tank?
You need 1 pound per gallon about... I can't imangine boiling 1 bag of sand...

Do more leg work.. Find the right bag...
I need about 150 lbs for a 3 inch base. I just bought an 80 gal tonight and I'm tossing the 55.
Is it Reef Ready !? If not dont do as I did (I have a hang on back overflow box) Bring it back for a Reef Ready Tank. JMHO
The two closest Home Depots to me do not have this sand in stock and will only transfer if I order a whole pallet. Does anyone have any that I could purchase?

I was told by my LFS that I can use regular play sand as long as it is washed and sifted. He also advised to put the sand in boiling water first.

regular silica play sand is useless in a sw aquarium and should be avoided without question as it has no value in terms of PH buffering and biological filtration

What sand type can be used? Is aragonite ok?

yes, you want to find aragonite based sand, not silica playsand

btw, i just found this in a prior post...looks like 14.95 for 40lbs aragonite reef sand

they have a pretty handy calculator there too
FF wrote

I dont have a problem with hang on overflows. Just dont use those CPR brand ones.

Me hugs my CPR overflow and tells it that everything is ok and he is just simply misunderstood...

regular silica play sand is useless in a sw aquarium and should be avoided without question as it has no value in terms of PH buffering and biological filtration

While silica will not buffer the water, the aragonite sand does not buffer it that much either. Silica sand is a perfectly suitable media for biological filtration.

yes, you want to find aragonite based sand, not silica playsand

[url= said:
Deep Sand Beds by Ron Shimek[/url]]
The organisms do not care about the sediment mineral composition, only the particle sizes and shapes. Most aquarists use the commonly available aragonitic sands to "provide a calcium reservoir." Additionally their bright white color is often aesthetically pleasing. However, if the system's pH and calcium concentrations get low enough to dissolve significant amounts of the sediment there are some very severe problems and all the sand in the world won't help. Very successful tanks may be set up utilizing black lava sand, or fine siliceous sand, as long as the grains are of the appropriate size. There is some concern that siliceous sand will fuel diatom blooms, but such blooms may be controlled by the appropriate grazers.
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