Sayin Hey from WV

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 29, 2007
So... I was Googleing looking for some LFS in my area and came upon this group & joined. I tried saying Hey in the W-Md/WV section since I'm in WV close to Cumberland Md. but it said you needed approval to post in that section :( so...I'm here now sayin hi.

I just started up a 55 gal. freshwater tank a little over a month ago. Didn't know anything about cycling before I put fish in it. I didn't know anything about the fish I put in either so now I'm trying to learn fast lol. Wish I would have done my homework BEFORE I got the fish. I haven't lost any yet though (knock on wood) and really really hope I don't loose any. Funny how you get attached so quick.

This is what's in the tank right now but I know it probably can't stay that way.
3-Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos
3-Albino Pseudotropheus socolofi
3-Albino Melanochromis auratus
3-Labidochromis caeruleus
2-Metriaclima estherae (Red)
They are all around 2" and under now but I know some will get to big for the tank and some probably shouldn't be mixed together in the first place. I just wanna get through this cycling thing, me with my sanity partly in tact and the fish relatively healthy. Then I can concentrate more on what fish I want in there and what fish can be. Wish me luck.
Glad to be here,
P.S. I copied this and also posted it in the welcomewagon forum. Also applied to get into the regional forum. Waiting approval on that.
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