Scopas Tang

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 13, 2004
Muscatine Iowa
I was thinking of getting a scopas tang. Just wondering if anyone could give me information on these. Descriptions from books and fish websites only do so much. Thanks in advance!!
If this is for the 75 gal listed in your profile, I'd suggest you nix the idea. You have reached your limit. 8)

dicjones said:
(2) False Percula Clowns Blue Hippo Tang Bicolor Angelfish (6) Green Chromis

Sorry, i forgot to include that the blue hippo and the chromis are no longer with me. I just have the clownfish and bicolor. i better update my profile there.
Scopas would not be much different in care than a Yellow tang really except they get a bit larger. A 75 gal may not be great long term but it would do as a start and give that excuse you needed to justify an upgrade. Zebrasoma sp tangs in general do fairly well but careful attention should be paid to diet and water quality.

You might have a little aggressive tail slapping with the bi-color. It will depend on the realitive size of each so be sure the Scopas is at least a similar (or larger) size.

My scopas tang is a royal bastard. Not just with tangs either. He beats the crap out of anything that moves. He was evicted from my reef tank for scrapping with all of my gentle little fish. He now keeps house with a puffer. They seem to get along ok.

Fish he attacked:
engineer goby (sweet meek fellow)
mandarin (my absolute daintiest non-aggressive fish)
lawnmower blenny
yellow tang

The mandarin was the last straw. At that point I didn't care if the puffer ate him or not.
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