Seachem Flourish Excel

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We started out with liquid co2 and out plants didn't die... They didn't grow much either. Our lights are pretty crappy but once we got the diffuser they took off like weeds.

Flourish is the fertilizer right? We use that once a week and I did notice my feather looking fern died off on Tuesday and we usually dose on Monday. Good info.
Some good starting plants for your tank would be any type of Anubias, Java Fern, Java Moss, Cryptocoryne (the Wendtii variety are the most simple), and Amazon Swords. Moss Balls are easy to take care of too, but if you don't move them around, they will collect junk on them.
The Salt Thing

I'm not saying I'm an expert I'm just posting on a thread about the experience I've had with the topic of the thread is all.. apologies if I came off harsher than needed.. I guess it just gets old seeing the same post about salt in multiple threads having nothing to do with salt or salt use in freshwater aquariums.. sorry for the rant OP

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Hello again Brook...

No harm done. I'll take your advice and not beat the salt thing to death and do the tank cycling thing another time in the proper place.

Please carry on.

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