Seachem Prime

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2004
Just a quick question on Seachem Prime dechlorinator:-

How quickly does it "work"? ie. If I dose a bucket of new waterchange water with prime (with no aeration), how soon before I can put it into the tank? I think it's more or less immediate (about a minute)?

Also, when dosing the whole tank initially for the first time with Prime, how long does this take to get round the whole tank? I'm going to be using Seachem Stability too, and I was advised I'll be ok to add the dose of Prime to the tank first, wait 5 mins, then start with the first dose of Stability, and this will be ok?

1. Generally all of the dechlornators work "instantly". No need to wait even for a minute. Many folks put the dechlor in the tank then fill the tank with tap. The dechlor contains molecules (for lack of a better word) that immeditatly bind with the chlorine.

2. When you dose the whole tank with prime it will work instantly... probably don't even need to wait 5 minutes before dosing the stability, but waiting a short while sounds like a good idea.

You're good to go. Have fun with your tank. :)
Nice one, thanks ;)

Had a SW a until a few months ago, but because of the upkeep, fragility and low number of fish I could keep in there (and because all my fish got ich :( ) decided to start a planted FW and see how I get on :)
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