seachem stability

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 21, 2011
I added stability to my 20g tank I've been cycling for a week (for fry) I have a male mickey mouse platy attacking my pregnant female (who is not a mickey), I tried putting her in breeder but she hated it and freaked out. Reading more about stability its not really suggested, did I just make a huge mistake? If so can I fix it?
Using Stability

I added stability to my 20g tank I've been cycling for a week (for fry) I have a male mickey mouse platy attacking my pregnant female (who is not a mickey), I tried putting her in breeder but she hated it and freaked out. Reading more about stability its not really suggested, did I just make a huge mistake? If so can I fix it?

Good morning sillyg...

I'm reading the label on a bottle of this Seachem product and see nothing that would harm your fish or interupt the cycling process.

Stability is just bacteria that helps cycle your tank. Your tank has only been cycling for a week. It's been my experience the cycling process takes at least a month.

I'd recommend a couple of things: Get your male a couple of more females, so he's not bothering the one you have. And, get some fast growing stem plants in your 20 G. Float some Water Sprite, plant Water Wisteria, Penny wort, Ludwigia and Rotala are some I have. Plants are natural filters and will help cycle your tank.

Have you tested your water with a good liquid test kit? If you have one, can you post the results for the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH tests?

Is the 20 gal the only tank you have, and is it cycling without fish getting it ready for the fry or are the fish already in there? (Sorry, just want to clarify). I don't know much about fry yet but I'm inclined to think they are already very sensitive being young and putting them in a cycling tank may not be the best situation, but let someone else verify this first.

As for the Stability, it's already been added. The only thing you can probably do is do some large water changes, but I'm not sure if that's needed or would be beneficial at this point.

If you can test the water and let us know what the results say, and give us more detail about the tank (whether or not there are fish in there and how you are cycling it if not) that would be helpful.
Sorry its a fishless cycle for the 20g we got a female guppy that was pretty pregnant and we didn't know it, so she dropped a few fry in my 55g only 1 survivor. I also have 2 platy females with 1 platy male the female being attacked isn't the same as my other female so the mickey mouse "couple" ignore her unless she gets too close and the male attacks her. My hope was to grab a couple more like her so she's not lonely and beat up on. My estabished 55g tank (where all my fish are) has ick and ammonia spike is just coming down (thank you lfs for not telling us about adding too many fish at once) so I am not taking anything from it. 20g parameters before adding stability: ammo-4 no2-0 no3-0 ph 7.2 temp 82f.
Sorry its a fishless cycle for the 20g we got a female guppy that was pretty pregnant and we didn't know it, so she dropped a few fry in my 55g only 1 survivor. I also have 2 platy females with 1 platy male the female being attacked isn't the same as my other female so the mickey mouse "couple" ignore her unless she gets too close and the male attacks her. My hope was to grab a couple more like her so she's not lonely and beat up on. My estabished 55g tank (where all my fish are) has ick and ammonia spike is just coming down (thank you lfs for not telling us about adding too many fish at once) so I am not taking anything from it. 20g parameters before adding stability: ammo-4 no2-0 no3-0 ph 7.2 temp 82f.

Thanks for the clarification! I'm not sure whether that will cycle in time for the new platy fry, unfortunately, but at least you'll be prepared in the future if it doesn't.

As BBradbury said, maybe adding some females would be best, although if the tank has ich you may want to wait until that's all sorted out. And adding some live plants to the 20 might help it along too. How long was the 55 established before you added fish, or was/is that a fish-in cycle?

If that tank is still cycling you'll want to keep on top of the testing and water changes, probably daily, to keep the ammonia and nitrite under 0.25 and nitrate under 20. How are you treating the ich? You could also put the female into a breeder. I know you said you tried it and she freaked out, but it might be safer for her if she's getting harassed.

So, adding the Stability is probably OK since it's already done. Just keep testing the water and proceed with the fishless cycle. It may or may not be ready for the new fry (I'm guessing maybe not, as fishless cycles can take a while), but at least it'll be ready for any future issues.

Keep posting questions, we're happy to help. Good luck!
My 55g has been estabished for about 3 years, adding all the new fish created a mini cycle and we got ick :( im really trying to keep the platy from aborting I belive she was prego when we got her I have maybe another 2 weeks. All the parameters of the 55 are down to normal the last 2 days but I have been/am doing water changes daily anyway cause the ick meds (another long story). Also I have api master test kit. I would love to get more females but right now its not a good idea.
My 55g has been estabished for about 3 years, adding all the new fish created a mini cycle and we got ick :( im really trying to keep the platy from aborting I belive she was prego when we got her I have maybe another 2 weeks. All the parameters of the 55 are down to normal the last 2 days but I have been/am doing water changes daily anyway cause the ick meds (another long story). Also I have api master test kit. I would love to get more females but right now its not a good idea.

Would it be possible to add a separator to the 55? That way she'd have more room than in a breeder? Just a thought. Sorry about your situation but it looks like you are on top of things. (y)
sillygirl423 said:
I added stability to my 20g tank I've been cycling for a week (for fry) I have a male mickey mouse platy attacking my pregnant female (who is not a mickey), I tried putting her in breeder but she hated it and freaked out. Reading more about stability its not really suggested, did I just make a huge mistake? If so can I fix it?

I've used stability to aid fishless and with fish... Seems to help knock in fishless. Def won't hurt ur fish just make sure u are cycled. I tried it with 2 baby goldfish in a 10g QT..... Didn't really help me out in that situation. Lol
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