Seachem Stability

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 11, 2014
Simple question: Do you need to continuously use this stuff in order to maintain your biological filter?

I assume since it's bacteria, they reproduce on their own and the system is self-maintaining. However, the bottle says to add a capful every month for "optimum performance". I don't know if this is just a ploy to get you to keep buying the stuff or if the specific bacteria used in stability dies off overtime.

Overall, not impressed with the results thus far using Stability.
For cycling an aquarium you use stability over a course of 7 days to build up bacteria within your biofilter. Never used it personally and there is mixed opinions on the stuff.
If your tank is fully cycled and established, there is no logical reason to continue to add bacterial additives. This accomplishes nothing more than emptying your wallet. Bottled bacteria products are hit or miss at best and despite Seachem having a great line of products, Stability tends to have not the best reviews in general. Your tank will cycle all by itself with sometime and patience. :)
I used it. It gave horribly crazy readings and at the end of the treatment it said I was cycles. Checked again before getting fish and the tank wasn't even cycles. So what I'm saying is, it gave false readings. In the end I ended up using ammonia to cycle the tank.
It should work if the bottle was good shipped in good temperatures conditions.

You must use it when you have or is suspicious about bad cycle, like when you read ammonia or nitrites on test kits.

I used Tetra Safestart in the past and that stuff was great - cycle completed almost overnight! I was really impressed.

Part of me doubts that Seachem would knowingly sell a defective product, so maybe I'll give it another shot in the future.

I used Tetra Safestart in the past and that stuff was great - cycle completed almost overnight! I was really impressed.

Part of me doubts that Seachem would knowingly sell a defective product, so maybe I'll give it another shot in the future.

The problem with cycling product is when they're shipped in too cold/hot conditions, this make them inneffectives.
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