Set up recommendations for a 55 with a redtail shark....

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 28, 2006
I have always mainly down livebearers.... guppys and platies are my love.... but my sister decided she loves sharks.. so i want to try a community tank using a redtailed shark.... I read they are semi-agressive.... and territorial.... but i dont know what else to get.....

any ideas?
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One Red Tail by himself in a 55 should do well with most everything. I would just avoid other bottom fish that resemble him ie other sharks and loaches. They are very teritorial but should pretty much ignore fish that are not on the bottom.
If you want something that isn't as aggressive as the Red Tail Shark, which can be pretty mean at times, a Rainbow shark is a bit more mellow. And I have 2 in my 55G, with no problems. I also have tiger barbs and a bunch of loaches. And my 2 babies, my 13 inch fire eels. As for fish that would work with them, any of the tetras would be perfectly fine. Another cool fish is Rainbowfish. There's many varieties of them, and are so active and fun to watch. There's also the Gouramis and Angelfish. All depends on the look you want. Do you have any preferences on what you want as a centerpiece fish (The main fish in the tank)? If we have an idea of what you are looking for, we can fit the other fish around that for you.
i was thinking of doing a redtail, 5 tiger barbs, an bristlenose pleco (albino maybe) and maybe some serpae tetras and maybe an african clawed frog... i need to do research....

but im not sure.... what does anyone think of that set up?
Sounds good, but the only change I'd make is a few more tiger barbs. Maybe 7 or 9. In a smaller group, they tend to be more aggressive to others, and also pick on the weakest barb til death.
my rainbow shark hates any fish that scours the bottom for food, including angels, platies, and american flag fish. but there are so many of them, that the aggression is spread out.
Lonewolfblue said:
Sounds good, but the only change I'd make is a few more tiger barbs. Maybe 7 or 9. In a smaller group, they tend to be more aggressive to others, and also pick on the weakest barb til death.

alright, sounds great.... do you think that the frog would get picked on by the shark? if so then i would leave him out.... i wouldn't want to have him be tourtured.... also the bristlenose i'm considering only gets to be like 4-5 inches.... it's a midget.... i dont know whats wrong with my friends dad breeds them 0.o would they still be okay to go in?

heres what im sure im putting in however:

1 redtailed shark
7-9 tiger barbs
5-7 serpae tetras
The bristlenose would probably get beat up espectialy since they're small, maybe maybe you can get some real ones that get 8 inches and the red tail wont mess with it cause its twice its size lol
Actually, neither the BN pleco or the frog would be a problem. I have a Red Tail Shark in my 75G with 3 BN Plecos and a bunch of Cory Cats and no problems whatsoever. As long as you have enough hiding places to make everyone happy, you'll be fine.

And if you want something that really looks great, try a school of 7-9 Rummy Nose Tetras. They are probably the best schoolers I've seen. Mine are just awsome. And the redder the head, the more happy they are. If they start losing any color in their head, then something is slowly going wrong. But keep this in mind, they are not a very hardy fish, and may lose some when you get them in your tank. They need a very slow acclimation.
I have a redtail in my 55g ... hard to put it in perspective, but he is the oldest fish in the tank (along with the yo-yos) and the largest.

My redtail takes great joy in chasing my yo-yo loaches around the tank. Doesn't typically interact with the cichlids, but I've seen him chase them also. My redtail, while showing his dominance has never hurt any of my fish (I've had him over 5 years).

My redtail does have a log decoration that is his. All the fish like to hide there as well, but I'm pretty sure he owns it.

I would recommend giving the redtail a hiding place.

Mine is kind of like a cat ... he comes out when he wants, does what he wants, and if so inclined chases the other fish. But typically, he's pretty mellow and just cruises around picking at the plants. I would say the times he actually chases the other fish is probably less that 5% of his time.

So, can he be aggressive, yes, but he doesn't nip fins or actually hurt the other fish. So, in my experience, I would downplay their aggressiveness.

Since I've had this shark so long, I've had him with guaramis, rainbows, tetras, mollies, etc. When I had those other fish he never once bothered them. 98% of the time he only ever chases the yo-yos and typically its the largest of the 3 (although they are all almost 4" now ... I've had the yo-yos for 5 years or so too). He's never bothered any of my plecos either.
i dont know... I love rummynoses... but my sister likes the serpaes.... i like them as well.... so i think thats what im going with.... <3 .... Thank you all for your advice... if anyone else has more advice PLEASE ... i'd be glad to have it
and maybe an african clawed frog
I could be wrong, but won't an African Clawed Frog eat small fish? I'd be worried about small barbs if you have an ACF in the tank. Also, if you add small tetras, they could be lunch. I'd skip the frog...give it a species tank with another ACF.

I think the tiger barb and serpaes would be good together. They are both semi-aggressive fish, so they could hold up to each other. Rummynose tetras are totally peaceful, so I'd leave them for a peaceful community.
I second jibboo's suggestion for a hiding place, and would even recommend several hiding places.

I had no problems with my RTB shark until I introduced more bottom feeders (a handful of cory cats) into the tank where he had definitely established his territory. (In all fairness, I am not 100% sure it is the shark bothering them. discussion here) I have rearranged the decorations and added more small caves (too small for red) and I think he is calming down. Moral of my story: once they have a well-established territory they may become aggressive to new-comers, but don't really bother fish they are used to.

I think the shark, barbs, and serpaes sound like a great bunch of fish. They will be pretty active and a lot of fun to watch.
Thats my was exact setup 5 tigerbarbs, 4 serpae tetras, and 1 redtail shark. I had major problems with my redtail and barbs. He he was ok at first but got more aggressive the bigger he got. He completely ate the tail fins off two of my barbs and chased them nonstop.
Have since moved him to another tank and he has completely mellowed out. Only thing I can think of that set him off is that my tiger barbs are mature males that I have had for 5 years, and they have fairly red tails and fins. Maybe he saw them as a competing shark. He never once bothered the serpaes.
I will definately give him a place to him... like a rock formation or a heavily planted area... thanks for the advice...

I dont know about the frogs eatting small fish 0.o never read that.... but if they do.... i breed live bearers... plenty of excess babies to go around >.> my platy just gave birth ^_^

thanks for the help!
African clawed frogs will eat fish that can fit in their mouth. They also prefer slightly cooler water than tropicals. The 68-75F range is best for them.
They should not be put in with tetras or small barbs. HTH

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