should i stop introducing fish now...?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 17, 2011
Hi, i have a 300litre well planted aquarum with amazon swords and java ferns with a coconut shell :p
So far i have;

8 Black Tetras
8 Neon Tetras
3 Cardinal Tetras
5 Rosie Tetras
3 Bleeding heart tetras
1 pokadot plec
4 Discus
1 strange stripey plec
1 red tail shark
3 yoyo loach
3 clown loach
3 mountain shrimp
2 corys
2 tiny corys

I know it sounds alot, but is a very big tank, and by the time my clowns/yoyos reach full size i should have a bigger tank.. not that its really needed.
can anybody tell me what level each fish is? eg: bottom, mid, top.... just so i can try figure out where most my activity lies... as they just seem to go where they want
1 red tail shark-bottom, very agressive
3 yoyo loach- bottom
3 clown loach-bottom
3 mountain shrimp- bottom
2 corys- bottom, by any chance do you have any pictures to identify because cories like groups of 6
2 tiny corys- bottom, same as above
8 Black Tetras- middle to top
8 Neon Tetras- middle to lower
3 Cardinal Tetras- middle, need groups of at least 5-6.
5 Rosie Tetras- all but mostly middle to top
3 Bleeding heart tetras- middle, need at least 5-6
1 pokadot pleco- bottom, is proabably common pleco watch out can get to 2 feet long and is very very messy.
4 Discus- not sure, but have seen top to middle areas
1 strange stripey pleco- bottom
This tank seems very full, but I'd listen to some others as well as me.
Yeah the cardinals i know need 5-6 but they mingle with the neons, so theyre fine, same goes with bleeding hearts and rosies they shoal togther, we moved house and had an accident where a few fish were lost, hense the less cardinal/bleeding hearts
Your tank is over stocked i would suggest buying a second filter to help handle the bioload and do a 30% pwc weekly or get rid of some fish.
300 liters is roughly equivalent to 80 gallons. This is waht I think:
8 Black Tetras-could you be more descriptive? There are a lot of black tetras.
8 Neon Tetras-top-middle
3 Cardinal Tetras-top-middle, I'd suggest more
5 Rosie Tetras-top-middle
3 Bleeding heart tetras-top-middle, I'd fill out the school
1 pokadot plec-There are lots of spotted plecos. Could you be more specific?
4 Discus-I think you should get two more, four IMO one will be at the bottom of the pecking order and waste away
1 strange stripey plec-Could you post a pic? They stay at the bottom.
1 red tail shark-bottom, aggressive to similar-looking fish
3 yoyo loach-bottom, these get big
3 clown loach-bottom, these get big as well
3 mountain shrimp-bottom
2 corys-bottom
2 tiny corys-bottom, please fill out the cory schools to six

I think you're stocked, if not overstocked. Get some fish to fill out the schools, add another filter or two, and then we can call it stocked.
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