Show off your Betta(s)!

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And here is Cassius, showing some serious color changes on his tail..


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This is Marty, my new halfmoon. He was just so beautiful, I couldn't leave him in that god awful cup >.< I was planning on a betta anyway, but I ended up with one much sooner than I was planning. Able to accommodate him, just worried about what will happen when I try to introduce my black neons. So far he has reacted violently to frogbit and java moss for some reason......he chases my cories a bit, but no nipping and when my plants grow in more he will be able to claim his corner better


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This is Marty, my new halfmoon. He was just so beautiful, I couldn't leave him in that god awful cup >.< I was planning on a betta anyway, but I ended up with one much sooner than I was planning. Able to accommodate him, just worried about what will happen when I try to introduce my black neons. So far he has reacted violently to frogbit and java moss for some reason......he chases my cories a bit, but no nipping and when my plants grow in more he will be able to claim his corner better

*iPhone pics.

Got two bettas together. A dragon scale and a normal one that was injured and I've helped it along.

First of all, they DO NOT fight. At all. My dragon scale has been there for 6 months and the other guy for four. The little guy had no tail and was very skinny. Now his fins have grown, he is swimming better and his tail is longer than in the pic. He gets really excited when I get near the tank and it's hard to take pictures of him.

They never flare at each other. They're housed in my 30 gallon and share it with two baby black mollies, one larger black molly (used to be a baby too :) ), a pleco, a tetra, and two clown loaches. Very peaceful tank.

Two others in separate small tanks. The blue guy looked like the other without a tail and very afraid. I like buying the hurt/sickly bettas to help 'em out. I love how they progress and "love" me back when they feel better.

I like the bettas that have been posted here. Nice vibrant colors! (y)


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*iPhone pics.

Got two bettas together. A dragon scale and a normal one that was injured and I've helped it along.

First of all, they DO NOT fight. At all. My dragon scale has been there for 6 months and the other guy for four. The little guy had no tail and was very skinny. Now his fins have grown, he is swimming better and his tail is longer than in the pic. He gets really excited when I get near the tank and it's hard to take pictures of him.

They never flare at each other. They're housed in my 30 gallon and share it with two baby black mollies, one larger black molly (used to be a baby too :) ), a pleco, a tetra, and two clown loaches. Very peaceful tank.

Two others in separate small tanks. The blue guy looked like the other without a tail and very afraid. I like buying the hurt/sickly bettas to help 'em out. I love how they progress and "love" me back when they feel better.

I like the bettas that have been posted here. Nice vibrant colors! (y)

That's so amazing. How did you get this to work?? It'd be awesome!
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