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Here they are!!! So happy to have them. The purple one looks way more purple in real life.
Tank needs better lighting, and more decor, but it's a start.
My friend just got a rescue Betta, her first fish in a real tank (I gave her a complete set up because I have soo much extra stuff). She said he looks like a halfmoon but it's hard to tell because his fins are really torn. He's really active, coloring up, and eating already! Far cry from his bowl. He is in a 10g heated and filtered (and cycled) tank with some snails and a couple african dwarf frogs, and live plants. Waiting on pictures of the guy and I will share
Just upgraded my Betta from a 2.5g to a 5.5g. Also have him 2 Nerite buddies. Tank isn't finished yet, got two new decorations being mailed that I hope to have soon.
Well I had to remove the snails. While I was out, my Betta killed one. Luckily I was able to save the other and put it in one of my other tanks. Apparently he doesn't like tank mates