Show off your Betta(s)!

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Some people use the plastic report spines and silicone then in place and slide the plastic into place.

When I had a divided tank the one just jumped over the barrier. Then he found a tiny gap and went over to the other side to see what was there, and found a big irritated Betta and spent the rest of the day pretending to be invisible until I got home and found him, after a little bit of looking, I might add, he did a good job laying low! Though after that we just moved them apart.

So my recommendation would be to put the divider high to as far up as you can go. AND, down into the substrate, I had one slip underneath as well, although I watched him do it so he didn't really get away with it. You said rimless, does that mean hoodless too? They are very good jumpers, even in good water. If so maybe a bunch of floaters to discourage them.

I ended up getting suction cups because my parents wanted to get out of Walmart, and they were right there. :lol: I made sure it goes to the very bottom and top of the tank. I cut a piece of plexiglass to size and made a lid out of that. It's possible they could get into each others sections (divided it into three) but it would be hard. I will be putting some floating plants in there, azolla (sp) to help with water quality as well :)
I got some great pics of the new guy! He lives in a planted, filtered, lit, and heated 2.5 bowl

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So pretty! Like the bowl, too. I didn't get a bowl today... But I got something(s) better ;) Or should I say Betta, if you pronounce it that way... :) ;)
Sooooo as you can see I got three males: a double tail, halfmoon, and a 'special' halfmoon plakat....

The double tail, right now, is an awesome purple color. Can't wait to see him color up. He has ammonia burn holes in his tail, poor guy. Was in the dirtiest water. Spunky little dude.

The halfmoon is a mustard gas! Body is blue/green. Yellow tail with black edging. He seems really laid back so far.

Last, but not least, is Mr. Special. (Not really his name btw) his back is all messed up. It not only curves like an S almost, but the top line is all whacky as well! He's a super feisty little guy!!! :eek: So it doesn't slow his down at all. He's so cute, I felt bad for him. There was a couple others that I would have liked to get, but there's only so much room ;) And money :lol: I was talking to the fish guy there (who is really nice and knows his stuff, plus he gave me free Nori :lol: ) about the special one, asking if he's eating ok, etc. and I mentioned I was just going to get two. Well I ended up getting three. I was headed out to the parking lot when he was going back into the store and he said something like "THREE!? I thought you were only getting two!" And then he said "don't worry, I had 18 Bettas at one point. :lol: Anyways, pictures! (Crappy iPod ones)


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I know, I love him already :) He needs a good name, though. Bettas are still in their cups, I'm sick, so setting the tank up is longer than I expected. Just gotta put the filter in, and a heater. Then I really really need to clean my room and the fish 'room' too!!
I cite for the name Clark! Like Clark Kent, superman, cause he has to be strong the deal with being so special.... I'm a superhero nerd....
Slightly better pictures of the new guys!


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Pretty fish!!!, now I want to go Betta shopping!

Thank you :) When I build a stand for this tank (sitting on the bottom of another stand) I will make it hold two 10g... More Bettas :lol:

Tank is heating up right now, so they should be able to go in in a couple hours. And then they will have a seeded sponge filter tonight.
The boys are acclimating :) :) the last two sections aren't that dark in real life...


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