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I know this isn't really the thread for this topic, but I thought "who better to ask than a bunch of pet store fish saviors!" Anywho... Does anyone have any good ideas for curing up this severe of fin rot? Or whatever is wrong with him? Just warm water, salt, and time?

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I would definitely just give it some time. I wouldn't even use the salt yet. Warm, clean water should be enough. If he doesn't start to heal and the fin rot persists maybe in 2 weeks or so, I would assume that the fin rot is being caused by a bacteria, and then start using salt.

If he is a new rescue, it's probably just from poor water quality, so warm, clean water should do the trick. A higher protein diet will also help with fin health, so feed him a few frozen blood worms or brine shrimp 2-3 times a week.
He's living in a heated, filtered, and planted 2.5 gallon bowl. The temp stays right at 80.

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That is awesome. Looks nice a nice set up. I have been wanting to try to put one of these together. What do you use for a filter?
Its a long slender one. I got it from Petco for around 15 bucks and so far its great! Its kept the water super clear! It does create a lot of disturbance on the surface because it bubbles but that's my only problem. It works off of a air pump, too. ? I'd tell you what brand but I can't quite remember...

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Well the boys aren't sure what to think about all the new things in their tanks.... Captain got a new filter that doesn't push him around as much and a new leaf hammock and a real plant(that happened the other day)

And wolverine changed tanks he also has a new hammock and a new fake plant that he was staring down. Silly boys! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392250080.176437.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392250099.027452.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392250110.812177.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392250131.795032.jpg
Its a long slender one. I got it from Petco for around 15 bucks and so far its great! Its kept the water super clear! It does create a lot of disturbance on the surface because it bubbles but that's my only problem. It works off of a air pump, too. ? I'd tell you what brand but I can't quite remember...

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Is it tetra whisper 3i?
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392257521.472253.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392257564.337883.jpg new female that I unexpectedly picked up today. Just thought she was too pretty to pass up.
No but I currently have 2 of those and really like them! I will snap a picture of it tomorrow and post it. It doesn't look like the everyday filter. AND I LOVE THE NEW FEMALE! SO PRETTY! I actually just went through and named all 12 my bettas... I named them after the states... ?

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Ok guys this isn't a show off I have a question. I can't seem to get Captain America to eat anything. I tried all different brands of betta pellets, and bloodworm flakes(what all of the other bettas LOVE) I haven't seen him eat anything and I'm kinda worried about him....
Frozen bloodworm? Mine acts like they are crack.

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Yep 3 or so at a time one or two times a week. Not a daily feeding remedy but they love them for treats.

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Now my Bettas tank is complete, though I am debating whether to take out the lava rock holding down the DW or not. Oh and the snail I thought he killed is still alive, he just stayed up in his shell the rest of the night, and my Betta hasn't picked on him since. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392325199.138222.jpg
Do y'all think Little Bit is big enough to know what type of betta she is? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392335183.853556.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392335217.860342.jpg

Also she has decided she is a master of peek-a-booImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392335270.239726.jpg

Another question, has anyone ever had a betta use those betta hammocks?
He's another pic of the new guy. He's doing well and has started eating tonight ? hopefully his fins will start growing back soon...

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