Sick Angelfish Not Responding To Treatment

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 5, 2016
I have a large angelfish that stopped eating and began breathing heavily at the surface. Stringy white poop and sunken belly. Gave Parasite Guard twice over a 4 day period, looked a bit healthier but still not better to tried a 3rd dose after a few days. Still no better, actually fins are looking more ragged. A second angelfish is now breathing very heavily and looks close to death. I tried General Cure yesterday but no change.

With respect to the other fish, some of the platys have a bit of a white sheen on them and have been clamped/flashing on and off. Others in the tank all look fine. This makes me think more of disease than environment, but there doesn't seem to be a response to treatment.

75 gallon tank has been running for ~1 year. Dual Eheim 2215's running with spray bars across each end providing surface agitation. I do weekly 50% WC. Tank is kept at 78F, have been checking parameters and they are consistently 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, ~5 nitrate.

I can't figure this out -- anyone have an idea? :thanks:
Pictures would help, but how ragged are the fins?
Flat belly and stringy poo tells us internal parasite.
Google "hexitima" or "hole in the head" It is a common problem with angels, and the treatment would be metronidazole in their food
You can find alot of medications on under food, and then medicated flake. You can find one with metronidazole, and should also consider an antibiotic. Either one will work, but i prefer oxytetracycline. The smaller pouches are actually quite large, and would last quite awhile.

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