Sick Betta

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 19, 2003
Minneapolis, MN
One of my 10 gallon aquariums has the following fish:
1 Male Betta
2 Male Fancy Guppys
1 Female Fancy Guppy
1 ea. Mickey Mouse Platy's

These fish have been together for about 3 weeks in a tank that I fishless cycled. The water is very hard, 16degrees KH with a PH of 8.2 and a temp of 79 degrees, but those reading are rock steady, I tested the water this morning and have 0/0 ammonia/nitrites and I change the water every other day so I'm not worried about nitrates. This post is because this morning I went to feed the fish and literally OVERNIGHT my betta has this white fuzz all over his backbody and lower fin, I immediately quarantined him to a different tank and did a 50% water change in the 10 gallon, but I have looked through a few books and have yet to diagnose this fuzz, any suggestions?
Well I usually find my bettas already dead with that white fuzz,
here is an example
I would check them out before work and everything looks fine
I come home from work and find one dead and covered in white fuzz that has happened twice, but only in my female betta tank,
I think it could have been from them being teritorial when feeding.
because it only seems to happen with the smallest ones i have had

I just bought 4 females 2 months ago and it happend to the smallest one,
the larger ones are still in there and doing fine,

I have no clue if it is disease or not i'm not worried that it is disease because everyone else is doing fine.

Good luck.

our male is in a seperate tank all alone we did have him in with gouramis and he got beat up but he is a tough male and seems okay.
Most of the bettas at walmart look like that.

Walmart sell live fish in the States? Wow.
Not up here in Canada at least not the walmart here they have limited supplies but nothing live lol.

Maybe that white stuff is a parasite or an untrue fungus????
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