Sick betta

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 16, 2015
Hi everyone,

My betta (Squishy, named after the jellyfish from Finding Nemo because he's just as purple) has been acting strange for the last couple of days. I had to leave to attend a wedding for 4 days and had my mom take care of him and feed him while I was gone. She told me he wasn't eating. When I came back, I noticed that he was lethargic and he wouldn't even move when I tried to feed him. This is strange because he is usually a pig of an eater.

I decided to do a water change and while looking at him from the top, I noticed his raised scales. I immediately realized it might be dropsy. He is starting to look like a pine cone. His belly is slightly bloated, although not nearly as bloated as some of the photos I see online of bettas with dropsy.

I have a 5 gallon aquarium that he is in ALONE. It is heated. It also has a filter. I checked ammonia levels about a week ago and it was in the normal range.

I read that treating dropsy with aquarium salt is supposed to help draw out some of the fluids that my betta is retaining and relieve pressure. I just added aquarium salt and plan on making daily water changes.

Is there anything else I can do? Did any of guys go through the same thing? Please let me know if you have any advice for me! I love this little guy.
I have never encountered dropsy so I hope someone has some tips for you! I love Bettas and hope yours can overcome this.

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