Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Hi All,
I hope you can help. One of my black moors has just developed a white patch around his anus. It looks like the scales have turned white! We did a water test yesterday and everything is fine. He seems fine, eating swimming around, all the usual stuff. I have searched for an answer on the web but can't identify any type of illness. I've read loads about white stringy poo but as far as I remember both have always had poo like this.
Another thing is, the other moor keeps nudging the sick one and pushing him out of the way especially at feeding time. Last night they were both going round each-other in circles. What is this a sign of?
I have also noticed both their eyes look dirty. The pupils look fine but outside looks as if there's a layer of dirt, like on a dirty windscreen (sorry, couldn't think of another way to describe it!), I just like to get them and wipe it away, lol!
Has anyone any idea what any of these signs are? All info greatly appreciated.
Thanks & regards,
I hope you can help. One of my black moors has just developed a white patch around his anus. It looks like the scales have turned white! We did a water test yesterday and everything is fine. He seems fine, eating swimming around, all the usual stuff. I have searched for an answer on the web but can't identify any type of illness. I've read loads about white stringy poo but as far as I remember both have always had poo like this.
Another thing is, the other moor keeps nudging the sick one and pushing him out of the way especially at feeding time. Last night they were both going round each-other in circles. What is this a sign of?
I have also noticed both their eyes look dirty. The pupils look fine but outside looks as if there's a layer of dirt, like on a dirty windscreen (sorry, couldn't think of another way to describe it!), I just like to get them and wipe it away, lol!
Has anyone any idea what any of these signs are? All info greatly appreciated.
Thanks & regards,