sick frog spawn?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 22, 2004
Paradise, Ca
We purchased a frogspawn about 6-8 weeks ago, and thought it wasn't getting enough light. we moved it about a week ago, now one of the branches (it has 4 total) won't hardly come out of the skeleton. What could be the cause of this and will it effect the other branches. the color of the affected branch is good, it just won't come out. all of the other branches are full and healthy. We placed it just below the spot it was in, but placed it in more light. All water tests come back fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Whether it effects the other branches will be determined by what is wrong with it. Personally, I would frag that branch now and get it away from the other heads. It is likely it was simply damaged during it's movement, or the flow and lighting have changed enough for that head for it to be unhappy.
is fraging a LPS the same as a soft coral? not sure how to do that... I dont wanna kill the remaining branches....
You'll need a pair of tin snips or some of those trauma sheers, I've been known to use a small hack saw for branching LPS as well. Cut it as far away from both heads ans possible, and it should work out fine.
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