Sick Kole tang and blennie

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 27, 2004
College Station, Texas
Here are some picture of the sick tang. Does anyone know what this is? and how to help them?

No little dots, just ashy all over with a white or fading of colors.

As you can see around the lips part of the skin is coming off the tang.

They are both eating fine, no problems breathing, once in a while I see them rub up against something but not really often. Very active still, swimming just fine all over tank

water salinity 1.022 all water readings are reading 0 (including phosphates, ammonia, and all NO), confirmed by LFS.

Everyone else looks fine.

HELP??? I don't want Amy or Benny to die....
I think i may be having the same problem. Was jsut about to start a thread for my Kole Tang too. THe same thing is happening to her, her mouth is always open, she was eating fine until this morning, she hid when it was feeding time. She was also swimming about fine until this morning, the last time I saw her kiss the rocks (for algae) was yesterday, I took time to observe her this morning and no more algae grazing for her, she seems to kinda just float on either side of the tank.

It's hard for me to tell about any changes in breathing patterns since all of my tangs kinda breathe in the same fashion. The most noticeable thing in the past couple of days as the previous post said was that her mouth seems "hairy" (not exactly sure if thats skin coming off).

I tested the water yesterday and the water seems perfect, 0 to all but 10 nitrate, Ph is 8.0, salinity is in normal range.

Please HELP!!! I don't want Nicole to die either.

Well they look really bad today. Amy, the tang, is just on her side. Benny, the blennie, may not make it through the day. :cry:

Does anyone have any advice?
How long have you had her? Not sure about the mouth problem, but the other symtoms sound like It may be marine velvet. Do you have a qt tank? If so you may want to remove them and begin treatment with copper. I would hurry, velvet can kill fast.
Oh no texas, I'm scared now, I'm at work and won't see my Kole Tang till i get home at 6. I hope mine is doing fine.
Well I ran to the LFS and got some copper. I don't know it may be too late. Too bad evenings you don't live closer I would go and treat your guys. I hope it works. I'd hate to be known as the mass murder of her salt water fish !! :2gunfire:
Are you treating in a qt tank? Please don't treat the main, it will kill all your inverts and any live rock you may have.
No I have them in the QT. Nothing else in there.

I followed the directions on the copper. Do you know when I should see a change for the good. Because I can't stand to see them this way..... :(
It takes a few days. What kind of copper? Also do you have the test kit? The wrong dosage can do more harm than good.
Sorry for all the questions.
I got SeaCure. I put in 1 drop per gallon. I also got melaFix (antibacterial remedy). Yes, I got a test kit, what is the best dosage? Where should the copper level be at?
Just according to direction. Did the lfs state that this kit was for that particular copper? There are a lot of problems with tests kits. I need to be the right one, or you may get inacurate readings.
Sorry, not familiar with that brand, I use cupramine. Anyone else?
Sorry for your loss texas... I think I'm losing Nicole too. I found her laying on her side this morning and she's barely moving. Her mouth is open and she has some purplish thing around her mouth. I can definitely see the rapid breathing this time.. It's sad, and I have to go to work. I'll probably see her dead later when I get home
Wow, sorry for your loss. :(
Evening, I hope she pulls through.
BTW, how long did you have them?
oh well... I just lost Nicole. I had her for a month a half.. she was the most active in the bunch and now she's gone. I think it's finally time to invest on a UV sterilizer.

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