Sick or bloated fry?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 29, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

I have my first batch of Platy fry but one of them has a really larger stomach than the rest. Cause for worry?ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1421300575.433853.jpg


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Should be fine. I hate to be blunt, but some fry won't make it and it is natural. It is sad and I would like to have them all live, but it happens.

It should be alright though. You may just end up with a really large adult haha
Almost looks a little premature. My knowledge of livebearer fry is somewhat limited, but he almost looks like he still has some of the yolk, like you'd see on newborn labyrinth fish fry before they are old enough to eat on their own.

How old are these guys? He might just need to absorb more of that yolk and then he'll be fine.
He is 3 days old and none of them had that the other two days. I thought he could be bloated maybe?

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Fry develop at their own rate, and while most platy or guppy fry are expelled with their yolk used up, I imagine it might not be unheard of for one to have a bit left over. Have you observed him eating? Is he otherwise acting normally?
He is 3 days old and none of them had that the other two days. I thought he could be bloated maybe?

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When livebearers are born, they may look a little chubby or bloated because of the remains of their egg sac. Fry don't always survive to adulthood, but I've had batches with about half the fry like this and they survived fine. The others may look less bloated because they matured faster, but make sure they are not skinny because they should be consuming a lot of food for their body mass when they are born.
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