silver shark

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 17, 2013
Today i bought a silver shark for my 33g 3ft tank its only 2" at the moment how long b4 it outgrows the tank?
Almost impossible to judge these things but unless you're going to get a 150G+ tank in under a year I'd tank him back ASAP.
I very reluctantly had to bring my silver shark to my LFS recently to find it a better home in larger tank after having it for just over 5 years. I got it from my dad who had it in a much smaller tank. Must have only been about 2- 3 inches. I could see a big change after a few months. Just kept growing and growing but still decided to keep it. Got to the point it took over my tank and the few other fish I had in tank spent most of their time keeping out of its way. Was never aggressive towards any of them though. Bit of a gentle giant !! It got to almost 9 inches! Was absolutely stunning fish. Was very sad to have to remove it but wanted to re-stock my new tank with other fish and it just did not seem fair to keep it in my 3foot tank any longer. Enjoy your silver shark...
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