Singing Fish?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 18, 2005
Northern California
Ok I have a chirping noise that occasionally comes out of my tank. I am pretty sure it is from the airstones that are part of my DIY CO2 set up. Its not always noisy, I usually only notice it first thing in the morning. So even though I think its an airstone, I thought I would toss the question out there... Do fish make any noise?
Actually sitting here thinking, it's the raphael cat I'm thinking of. They call them the talking catfish. Very cool fish.
My loaches (Yo-Yo, etc.) make intense clicking noises whenever I feed them algae wafers. Fluff is correct in mentioning that many of the Doradid catfish (like the Raphael) are 'talking' catfish because they make a grunting noise. Another catfish that makes noises are the Synodontid cats....many of which are commonly called 'Squeakers'.

I've heard my bala shark and clown loaches make noises before. The bala shark does it when he's eating from the surface and the clown loaches make clicking noises when they eat algae wafers.
I had two clown loaches for quite some time and they always made clicking noises eating sinking pellets. Really cool! 8)
Betta's make clicking noises.. i know this is bad, but back in the day when i still lived at home, i had a betta fish in a fish bowl and at night i would hear clicking noises coming from it. You know, fishermen used to stick their paddle into the water and put their ear on it to listen for clicking to see where to cast their nets.
Just heard my Bala's making the clicking noise while they were eating a treat algae waffer. It was really cool. It almost sounded like a rock hitting the glass on the aquarium.
My Pictus Cats make noises when they're afraid or fighting. I know native species like the Channel Cat and Northern Pike make noises as well.
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