single white spot on fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 6, 2006
southern ky
i just noticed a white spot on my bettas head above his eye. when i first got him i thought it was darker than the rest of him and was normal. now its white....
this doesnt sound like ich does it? what meds should i pick up when i go to the fish store today?
Maybe not, ich would be tiny, you might not even notice the dot, what you described sounds more like a bit of fungus starting. Try a fungus clear type medication. If more tiny dots form on the rest of the body than you should raise the temp for ich, but I'll bet its a fungus.
do you know actually any names of the medication i need to get? i dont trust to ask my fish store about anything.
what if its not fungas.
would it hurt to treat him for something he doesnt have?
also, will it hurt my snail, and is it an emergancy to get it?
i can get it someone to get it for me tomorrow, but i have to go out saturday. i wouldnt want to wait that long anyway.
what are some other meds i might want to pick up? i live over an hr from town and dont drive so i rarely go.
It shouldn't hurt him to treat with this stuff anyway. I'm not sure about the snail, anybody have thoughts on that?
it will hurt the snail if there is trace amounts of copper in the medications. Copper is to snails like silver is to vampires
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