Skimmer gone crazy - ASMG4

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 11, 2011
Ok, I have been running this skimmer for about 6 months now and its been GREAT!

Well I turned it off to clean it and when I put it back in it is blasting micro bubbles out of the return of the skimmer.. and its flooding my sump and DT with micro bubbles.

Any ideas would be appreciated! I am scratching my head at this point!
All skimmers do that, especially my asm g2. Give it a few hours and it will stop. Really bugs me too.
I had the same issue with my skimmer, HOB reef octopus. Best advice I can give u is set it up and then walk away for a couple hours. Then come back and make small adjustments, then walk away again lol.

It was hard for me I figured it would work perfect as soon as I turned it back on.
It seems to be settling down a bit now. I did not have this problem before at all so I was stumped!
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