Skimmer Question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 31, 2003
I bought a Nautilus TE skimmer a few days ago and im having problems getting it adjusted. Where should the water level be? It didnt say in the instruction manual but someone told me to keep it just below the line where the collection cup attaches. It has started to produce a little foam but it seems to stay in the tapered part and dosent fall into the collection cup. This is why I think my water level is wrong. Is this normal or what do I need to do?
you need to wait a few days before the skimmer will begin to operate properly. the inside of the skimmer needs to have a bacteria growth start on the inside to help the bubbles travel to the top of the skimmer. also another reason why it may not be skimming much is becasue there is simply nothing yet to skim. but none-the-less give it a few days.
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