skinney clamped mollies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 3, 2011
Valley Springs CA
ok, so I have two female red mollies that dont look soo hot. the other day I notice that one of my female mollies got her butt kicked by another fish, she had like this white fuzz on the side of her and her fins were tore up. she is ok now and is happy swimming around. but then I notice two more females. they look like they are getting skinney, they are pretty much staying in one corner of the tank closest to the heater and they just swim.... in one spot.... their fins are all clamped down to their body as well. they too look like they have had their butts kicked. the white fuzz looks like their skin is tore up. idk can anyone throw up some ideas to me? Also water is great, o ammo, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate, ph was 7 something, sorry dont remember off the top of my head but it was fine.

and also, does marine salt give fish electrolytes like aquarium salt does, or do i need to add aquarium salt with the marine salt??? thank you guys soo much!
It sounds like fungus growing on injuries. What is in the tank? You need a good med Jungle makes a good one and plenty of water changes to keep your water quality high.
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