Sky's Newest 120g Adventure (pic heavy)

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My stock in the tank is now:
2X ocellaris Clownfish
1X McCosker's Fairy Wrasse
1X Yellow Watchman Goby

I'm thinking one or two more fish but I'm not sure what to go with. All I know is that I'd like to keep them to 3-4" max and they have to be invert safe. Any suggestions?
We put in an application today for a new house so if all goes well I could have quite the project on my hands of breaking down and moving all my tanks. It'll give me a good chance to modify the scape in this tank though.

The system is going through a nice pretty diatom bloom right now. Here is an updated FTS.

I think the diatoms look awesome lol, its like sunlight shining on the rocks :p
Lol as far as diatom blooms go I've had much worse so I'd have to agree that this one actually doesn't look to bad!

Well, we just signed the paperwork on our new house so time to start planning the tank moves!
It's official, we're moving!

I look the majority of the rock out of the tank already since it hadn't had time to seed yet. When I set the tank back up after the move I am going to open the scape up a lot. The black line on the wall above the rock is the height of the tank so I want to build the rock a little taller still.

Here is what I was thinking for the new rockwork...opinions/suggestions? I still have the live rock that is my tank that I'll be using to flesh it out a little more.

I would be concerned about the rocks making the overhangs, are they stable? I mean really in there? Looks good btw/. :)

You can drill holes through the rocks and place rods in them or epoxy them in as well. Just a way to make sure they are solid. One sand sifter kinda fish could make the whole scape tumble.
I would be concerned about the rocks making the overhangs, are they stable? I mean really in there? Looks good btw/. :)

You can drill holes through the rocks and place rods in them or epoxy them in as well. Just a way to make sure they are solid. One sand sifter kinda fish could make the whole scape tumble.

Thanks Carey :) As of right now only a few pieces are epoxied together since I am still tweaking the design. At final completion all the rock will be secured with either epoxy or rods so stability shouldn't be a concern.

The scape seems to be lacking something imo. I can't put my finger on what yet, but maybe I'm just used to hefty solid piles of rock.

Suggestions on design tweaks?
id build a tower in the opening on the right side. perhaps even bridge it over to the right stack
I added some more rock and beefed it up a little.



Here is the rock that I have left in my tank which will also be added to the scape.

We had a successful move all in all (not without it's snags of course). There were a couple of coral casualties but no major losses thankfully. I didn't lose any fish which is always a good thing :)

Well this is how the tank looks now.

Looks awesome! I'm sure it'll look better when everything's settled and you get some more stuff. Definitely following!
Thank you very much! :). Now I need to start looking for some nice frags to start filling it out a little!

I'm thinking a nice plating Monty and a nice chalice, any recommendations on color morphs (under $100 an eye please lol)?
Did you apoxy the rock work or drill it all. Are those reef saver rocks. Nice aquascape!

Thank you! The rock is CaribSea SouthSea Base Rock. There are pieces from my other tanks in there as well so I have no idea.

I epoxied section together that way I could transport it easier. Once it was in the tank I made sure everything was super stable and if I had a doubt, there was a healthy dose of glue added to give it more security.
Got a shipment of corals today and moved some stuff around. I'll get close up shots of the new corals once they aren't so angry. I was also able to score an awesome deal on another MP40 so that's up and going as well :)

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