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All the sudden I have alot of these things all over my glass. Haven't added anything new lately but did stir up my sand a bit 2 days ago while doing some aquascaping.
Any ideas on what these are? (Click to see larger)
So far I only have CUC, 1 Tomato clown, 2 Black Chromis, and 1 coral. The coral came with the 20 lbs Garf Grunge I got back in Early March.
I did change my sump in order to add an ASM G3 skimmer. That has been in place about 2 weeks now. I also added my light fixture about a month ago. It is 2x150 MH, 4x54 T5 fixture.
The sand I stirred up was alot of the Grunge also so I can help but think it had something to do with the white things.
they are feather dusters, scrape them off with an acrylic blade if you want to. Dont try to scrape them off with a magnetic scraper - it will scratch acrylic tanks.