Snail eggs time to hatch ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2012
I had a snail infestation. Removed all plants and placed them in a bucket of water and left in the garage for a week. I picked out snails one by one from the tank. I haven't found a snail in the tank for a week. I also cannot find any on the plants. The fish have been on a strict diet and no flakes reached the bottom. Do you think I have succeeded ? Or will they be hiding in the substrate ready to reappear as soon as I put anything back in. Is it safe to reintroduce the plants or will eggs still be waiting to hatch etc any advice much appreciated.
Hand wash ALL plants before returning them to your tank. Learned this lesson the hard way. I got some java fern that was promised to be free of snails. Talk is cheap. Now I hand wash all new plants. Something that only takes a few minutes might save you from tearing down your entire tank just to get rid of snails.
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