Snail Sizes and Whats ok to Feed them

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 21, 2004
chicago il
Im breeding snails for My green Spotted Puffer. I was just wondering how big will the snails get and how long they live.

I have 3 total i think
2 rainbow
1 apple

I had a planed tank that was doing very well it was divided but one night the snails got out and and ate all the plants overnight. So now im trying to breed ghost shrimp and snails.

Can i feed them like lettece and cucumbers?

Also the very small snails that came from my plants will they stay small or do they usally get bigger?

any info or links would be great


My hitchhiker snails have always stay pretty small. I'm not sure what a rainbow snail is but your apple snail will get to be the size of a golf ball. I have apple/mystery snails and feed my lots of stuff. I've used zuccini, yellow squash, cucumbers, peas, canalope, paradise melon, honeydew melon, oranges, spinach, brussel sprouts, flakes and algae wafers. I've read that they do well also on turtle and crab pellets.
I used to have a site for hitchhiker snails. If I can find it I'll let you know. You can read up on apple snails at HTH
you think i can feed them green beans from the garden i have tons and now one will eat them hopefully the snails like them
they'll eat pretty much everything. flakes veggies, algae stuff, sinking wafers and almost everything you can think of... keeping it in proportion. but there are picky snails out there like there is everything else

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