Sniperhank's UPGRADED 55 gal Build

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Man hank I found the tank u need for ur upgrade a 4 foot 120 gallon predrilled with stand and all for 250 sort of makes me glad ur in pa and couldn't snag it before me then again I'd love to see what u could do with 4'x2'x2' tank with how nice urs is now but if u ever decide to come to Sandusky ohio I have a very nice 90 gallon for sale.. Ps really do love ur tank keep it up
It's been awhile since I've had one. Petco had a nice green tipped mushroom leather on sale. Had to get dog food, so why not. Tank is so full though, need a frag swap! Lol.
It's been awhile since I've had one. Petco had a nice green tipped mushroom leather on sale. Had to get dog food, so why not. Tank is so full though, need a frag swap! Lol.

Take some frags off your hand for my new tank !

Here is the new mushroom leather. Beengirl will probably think it looks familiar. Pretty small chunk of one though, but didn't take it long to open up and adjust.

It's water change day. I've decided that the ball valve is closing itself as it vibrates, as I started draining water and the DT went down instead...easy fix for the time being. Not sure what I'll do for it, if anything, in the long run besides making sure that it isn't up near the glass. It is pretty obvious when it is, it is loud like no other.

Other than that, it is business as usual really. Only things of concern would be the cleaner clam surfacing, but it did so as it died and was cleaned up. Also, the marine betta hasn't been seen and I'm assuming dead. The clam dying would continue to help explain the dusty cyano I was complaining about a couple weeks ago. As for the betta, we'll see if it comes out to feed on Wednesday since it didn't on Saturday. If it doesn't, it's dead imo.
Here is the new mushroom leather. Beengirl will probably think it looks familiar. Pretty small chunk of one though, but didn't take it long to open up and adjust.

It's water change day. I've decided that the ball valve is closing itself as it vibrates, as I started draining water and the DT went down instead...easy fix for the time being. Not sure what I'll do for it, if anything, in the long run besides making sure that it isn't up near the glass. It is pretty obvious when it is, it is loud like no other.

Other than that, it is business as usual really. Only things of concern would be the cleaner clam surfacing, but it did so as it died and was cleaned up. Also, the marine betta hasn't been seen and I'm assuming dead. The clam dying would continue to help explain the dusty cyano I was complaining about a couple weeks ago. As for the betta, we'll see if it comes out to feed on Wednesday since it didn't on Saturday. If it doesn't, it's dead imo.

Yeah!! Lol. We hit the same green leather sale at Petco!! :D Yours looks nice and happy! I hope the betta is just being shy and is okay. Keep us updated on if she comes out.
Today's goal was clean that sump. Going well with a turkey baster, now if only the skimmer was working correctly to suck it all up rather than catching it in panty hose. I think what I'm going to do is take it off the shelf it is on, but I'll need to get a longer neck on the return first. Maybe swing by the contractor supply after work tomorrow.
I also took out the filter sponge in the overflow. It is just gross. Couldn't even rinse it out. I put it in a bleach solution, see if that cleans it up. If not, maybe the washing machine. I'd like to keep it going on the system even though there are panty hose on the returns to keep the sump from becoming filthy again. Hopefully it'll clean up.
Continued along. No real problems, just situation normal. I was cleaning today and saw the rock in the other thank that used to have my red star polyps on it. Thought about how much it sucked. As I looked into my reef, I was looking at my sps and the fact that I have sand being kicked up again. I stumbled upon a spot on the side of the rock my star polyp rock was on with 6 star polyps growing nicely on it. So, all is good.
When you grow them back out ill swap you a head of my new acans for a piece of it on top of some other things when the time comes, just don't kill off any more of them beautiful acans you got :p lol.
It'll take awhile for it to grow out, they barely have color right now. Just sprouted up. We need to figure out sometime to swap stuff though. I want to get rid the zoas and kinds of stuff to free up more sandbed room for a nice favia.
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