Snowflake Eel

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 28, 2002
I am really getting worried, it has been 11 days and my eel still has not eaten. He has dug huge pits in the sand under my liverock, tours the tank on occasion but has not eaten. Unless he has removed my peppermint shrimp from the realm of the living, which I have been unable to determine. Any ideas?
hmmm, how large is the eel?

What are you feeding it? Live shrimp? Krill? Silversides?

Did you see it eat at the LFS?

My snowflake went for several weeks without eating when he was first brought into the LFS, we finally got it to eat crawfish, now he eats live SW shrimp. I just dump in 50 and when there gone, I get some more, takes him a week or two to eat all of them. If the eel is may be a very serious problem, large adult fish have a tendency of starving themselves. If you know he was eating at the LFS, he will probably eat for you, it may just take more time. If all else fails, get it a small octopus, they are irresistible to eels.
The eel is roughly 2-2.5 feet long. The LFS has had it about 2 years. Yes, he had eaten a couple freshly peeled shrimp. We are offering shrimp, silversides, bay scallops. The owner of the store had him eating off of a feeding prong.
Since your in LA, Id try live crawfish. I would take the claws off first, one of the funniest things I've seen in a tank was a grouper dashing back anf forth across a 200g tank with a crawfish clamped down on it's bottom lip, hitching a ride. The groupers lip was torn up pretty bad when it finally managed to dislodge the crawfish.
Hello Hara: I wouldn't start worring to much just yet. I have a tiny snowflake eel that I have given up for dead a few times. But he/she is doing just fine. The little guy has gotten into my sump several times. I gave up on the 4th., and left it there. (what a mess to get it out) This eel is about the size of a pencil, and has been surviving for months at a time in a sump. The last time I got it out of the sump was a month ago when I moved the tank to another room. This time it is staying in the tank. Guess it learned there is food to be had in the tank, none in the sump. hehe
Anyway, I've had it close to a year. The LFS told me they can go without eating a month or so. Good luck, and enjoy. I feed my fish only tank frozen prungs, silverside, krill, formula 1 & 2, mysis shrimp, and everyone is thriving.
Oh Yeah, now is my ghost eel that keeps going in the sump. After two years, go figuere. :lol:
Welcome to AquariumAdvice AwiBrandy!


Thanks for the encouraging words about my eel as well.
WOOHOO! :multi: He ate 2 silversides tonight!!!
(Hara is doing the happy dance!!)
Snowflake eels are not finicky eaters, but they are unpredictable. My snowflake eel was the first real fish I introduced in my tank then two weeks later I had 2 3 stripe Damsels missing & him giving me a look that he wants more.
haha sorry for the late comment, just cruising around and thought that was funny. Been looking around for a single resident in my tank of 45G, and liked the idea of having a bunch of shrimp in there until he/she needs more. The reason I liked this is because there may be days where I am not home and didn;t want to get a fish that needed me there every single day 3 times a day.
Will a snowflake appreciate a 45G tall tank, some live rock, a great filtration system (impecable water), 2.8 watts/gallon and some marine plants and being by itself in a tank (couldn't think of any other "unique" residents it wouldn't eat). I'm into personality or unique looks and creatures.. not into "pretty fishies". :p
Electrobes said:
couldn't think of any other "unique" residents it wouldn't eat). I'm into personality or unique looks and creatures.. not into "pretty fishies". :p

A pufferfish!

But I think that may be too much fish for a 45g.
Although when I was a noob and didnt know anything
I had a snowflake and a puffer in a 19g for ~ two
years (dodges stones) and they were quite happy,
as far as I could tell. It was the oddest thing, they
would play with each other, the eel would chase the
puffer then the puffer would chase the eel.

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