snowflake eel

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 5, 2007
Hey do you guys think a snowflake eel would work with my tank. I have a yellow tang, flame angel, pinstripe wrasse, spotted puffer, and two black clown fish. Thanks for the help!
What size tank is this...

You wont have a problem if you have a lot of LR for it to hide in. Better yet build yourself a pvc tunnel or two and bury it in the sand for it to burrow in.
Well ill tell you one have too many fish :D

Is it a white spotted puffer? Those get like 20"
You think thats to many? its a hawaiian spotted puffer 1-2 inches I think.
Oh ya nad my wrasse is sleeping under the sand for 12 hours of the day.
Ahh ok, that will only get to about 6". But yes IMO you have too many fish ( two of which get around 6" and another than can easily get to 8" ).
Well, overstocking issues aside, he will get really agressive and crazy during feeding time and he might knock off one of the clowns. They can't see very well, so sometimes they have a tendency to bite onto anything moving around them when they smell food. To be frank, no, you should not add him..
I wouldn't add it for the simple reason that they can get to 24"+ long...that is a lot of animal in a 46g tank. Even though it says they can be in as small as 50 I wouldn't put one in much less then 75. In your case that would be just too much...
I agree w/ the others, your already overstocked. Best to avoid adding anything new.
when they get bigger its time to upgrade
Fish will not usually literally "outgrow" a tank in the sense that they get physically too large. If fish are not provided w/ the proper amount of room, they will have many issues, that are not reversible, before they start showing signs of stress. Such things as skeletal deformities, and problems w/ internal organs. Things not very easily recognizable by appearance.
Not to mention that yellow tang. He requires some swimming room and a 46 gallon bowfront does not have it.
Re: Snowflake Eel

My SF Eel took out a clown. I watched it happen. The clown seemed like he was sick but still it can happen.

Hope that helps...
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