....somehow acquired 2 rainbow trout babies...........

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What size?
From the wild, or from a hatchery?
If wild born, they will likely need live food, what kind depends on the size of the trout.
Hatcheries use dried foods, some kind of fish pellets.
Trout need cool water, but how cool I really don't know.
I use corn to catch them, so that might work. You're going to need to keep the tank cool and really circulate that water.
Yeah, this'll be tough for you. I spent some time at a Forest Restoration program for brook and rainbow trout... They needed cool water (they can prob. tolerate water from 34 degrees to about 70, but should ideally be in water that's about 60 degrees....) I'm not sure what'll happen if you keep them in a tropical tank for a while...

And a chiller's not a cheap item. Usually $400+

Cool, though, that you landed up with these guys! How'd it happen???
actually, a friend of mine set a minnow trap baited with canned dog food and/or chix liver to get live fish for his gar and catfish and they ended up inside the trap, they are prob around 3" long right now, but since he put some chem stuff(dunno what) in their water, most likely NOT for consumption. i put in some flake just to see and it doesnt look like they took to it, so i am gonna go to the bait shop, my wife was thinking crickets i thought earthworms, so we will see which they like better. as for the water temp it was pretty cool, around 60-65, and they seem to be doing just fine. its my 75g that I finished not long ago, but they look like they are running out of room, prb not used to being confined, but they look happy darting about the tank and hiding under rocks.:)

thanks guys!!
Just please do not release them back into the wild! Our neighborhood recently lost a nicely stocked (rainbow trout) lake because some idiot transfered some wild salmon in the hopes that he would be able to fish for salmon the next year. :roll: He was fined $10,000 after yelling at the fish and game people for removing HIS fish! Some people just get what they deserve! :twisted: A whole local tv ad compain about the dangers of transfering fish around was launched.
How about live blood worms? Easier than trying to find live earthworms IMO. I am all for easier! I envy you the large tank to try to raise them.
Easier than trying to find live earthworms IMO.

Depends on your situation. :wink:

I just spent the afternoon turning over a garden in my yard, I had earthworms of all sizes, tiny garden worms to big old nightcrawlers. Brought in a couple tiny ones to feed my dwarf puffers. Took them a few minutes to decide the worms really were food, then they munched 'em right down.

fishNCovice, one more thing, you should check your state regulations, you might not be allowed to keep trout in an aquarium (though I seriously doubt the "fish police" will be knocking on your door anytime soon!)
thanks for the advice corvuscorax
i have also been wary of the fact that i have two rainbow trout in my home, but it shouldnt be a prob. siince they have been exposed to chemicals i would NEVER release them back into the wild, i know the severe repercusions that in itself carries worst case scenario i give them back to my friend who then feeds them to his gar and catfish, but i would like to see how big they can get before i have to do anything too drastic
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