Something eating staurogyne repens

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 14, 2016
Maine USA
Hello, all I hope your aquariums are doing amazing, so I bought staurogyne repens recently and its growing amazingly... to an extent, I see new leaves everyday but over night they get eaten... it's really starting to tick me off. Because first of all this plant wasn't cheap and its doing great yet something keeps eating it and laughing at my face.
I am running Pressurized Co2... (25 pound cylinder at 2-3 bps) because I just got it recently and the PH dropped from 7.8 to 6.6 so i'm keeping it there for a bit.
Dosing Seachem Flourish Excel daily because of BBA outbreak.
Dosing Seachem Iron
Lighting: 4 bulb T5-Ho at 56 watts a bulb, but I set it to 2 bulbs on 2 bulbs off because of BBA.
So the question is, is it something eating my plant? The suspects that I believe to be guilty are either Mystery Snails or Ramshorn snails. But other fish that I have that may be eating them is, Chinese Algae Eater, 4 otto cats, Clown Pleco, or Butterfly Goodeid.
Sorry for long post im just giving as much info as possible to track down the suspect and have them abolished from the aquarium for their wrong doing.


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Hello, all I hope your aquariums are doing amazing, so I bought staurogyne repens recently and its growing amazingly... to an extent, I see new leaves everyday but over night they get eaten... it's really starting to tick me off. Because first of all this plant wasn't cheap and its doing great yet something keeps eating it and laughing at my face.
I am running Pressurized Co2... (25 pound cylinder at 2-3 bps) because I just got it recently and the PH dropped from 7.8 to 6.6 so i'm keeping it there for a bit.
Dosing Seachem Flourish Excel daily because of BBA outbreak.
Dosing Seachem Iron
Lighting: 4 bulb T5-Ho at 56 watts a bulb, but I set it to 2 bulbs on 2 bulbs off because of BBA.
So the question is, is it something eating my plant? The suspects that I believe to be guilty are either Mystery Snails or Ramshorn snails. But other fish that I have that may be eating them is, Chinese Algae Eater, 4 otto cats, Clown Pleco, or Butterfly Goodeid.
Sorry for long post im just giving as much info as possible to track down the suspect and have them abolished from the aquarium for their wrong doing.

Could be the plec, maybe the ramhorn snails? Shouldn't be the oto/mystery snail/algae eater.

To me it doesn't look like the plants were growing amazingly... What else are you dosing? Could be lack of growth/dying plants coupled with some mild chewing be a critter ;)
I don't think the ramshorns are the culprit either snails don't eat that fast if it was them. You also may want to move to dry ferts. I prefer PPS-Pro (cause I am lazy) or EI which is awesome too. My angels in one tank and I had platys in another that mowed mine down. I watched them do it so I knew it was them. I had mine growing really fast at the time so the munching the fish did just kept it me from having trim it.
I was thinking about dry ferts for a while now but have no idea what exactly to buy? How much will it cost me?
I used a PPS-Pro kit from GLA from 12/2013-12/2017 on my 20g high tech tank. I still have some of the macro ferts left. Price ($25) for the same kit has not gone up much since then. The only thing different is that I ordered an extra solution container to mix and dose the nitrates separately.
Sometimes plants can shed their older leaves when placed in to a new environment.

If you definitely suspect it’s being eaten try adding some type of vegetable. This may keep the attention off the plants. Courgette may work.

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