Something for my candy cane coral!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 19, 2012
I bought a candy cane coral thinking I was good with my 4 light system. I added 2 more lights over the coral itself.

Does not seem to be helping. I replaced all my bulbs so they are brand new and it shows! It's really bright, but not bright enough still for my candy cane. I moved the candy cane higher up and still no luck.

It's opened, but not light it should or could be. So I was wondering if there is anything that is not very expensive that I could buy to just hang over the candy cane itself to give it more lighting on its own?

I really can't spend a lot, my limit is $50.

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My lathers or good, but they don't need a lot of light anyway. My toad stole is always open and amazing looking!

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Can you take a picture? I have a hard time believing that 6 bulbs of T5HO with new bulbs isn't sufficient for it. If it isn't inflating well, it would be a sign of something going on with alkalinity instead.
I will try and get a good picture. My water test are good! Like I said my leather coals are ok.

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I will say, that my lighting is 2 60in 10,000k and 2 60in Actinic blue lights. I replaced all four two days ago.

The other lights is in another fixture that is only 48in. Both are 10,000k bulbs, but they are very old. I am trying to buy new bulbs for it.

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I wanted to get a Frog Spawn, but the Candy Cane was cheaper and the person told me to test my tank out with the Candy Cane before the Frog Spawn. Being the Candy Cane is basically the requirements. I really want a Frog Spawn, but I don't want to kill it plus 120 for a frog spawn is expensive (a big one).

I already talked to another store, they will take my candy cane back if I can't get it to live. I don't want to kill it.

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I uploaded pictures to my album. I marked them as of today 2-12-2015.
I added more rock to my tank as well about a week ago. I also added the other Leather Coral a few days ago. So it's not fully acclimated yet, could you tell me what the other one is? I didn't catch the name of the coral before I left, I bought it because it looked cool and I knew my Toad Stole was doing well, so I bought another Leather. I am wanting a Devils Hand as well, but I will wait and see how this other coral is going to do.

I did upload a picture of the Candy Cane as it is right now. I am hoping it's ok, but I just don't think it is. I think it should be more open than it is. I could be wrong! here is a link to my album.

Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - baron1282's Album: Off
did you acclimate it to your lighting since your using florescent bulbs ,
alot of shops use stronger lighting , than a 4 bulb fixture
when I first started in this hobby I started with a single 2 bulb florescent fixture and that was plenty to make my candy cane happy ,
the more you move it the more you stress it making it take longer to puff up
I always kept mine mid level with a mild flow
remember it can take a week or so to get used to your lighting give it time
Was that much skeleton showing when it was purchased? I still don't think lighting is the issue at hand here and would like to know what the actual numbers are for your parameters.
Sure. I do not have a reef kit. I am going to buy one soon. I simply have the saltwater master kit.

I don't have time to test right now today. I am going to work right now. I will test tomorrow and get the results.

I did move it closer to the light. I really had to jar it to move it. Maybe it will come back better now. I hope!

Just out of curiosity, why would my toad stole look amazing, while my candy cane looks awful?

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Candy cane corals do not need a lot of light. There is considerable recession, but they remaining flesh is still inflated. I'd like to see this the day you got it.
If your parameters are ideal, and it basically looks like it did the day you got it, it's going to take time to recover.
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