Special stresscoat?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 10, 2013
I just read an article on Livebearers disease (new to me) and it says that getting stresscoat with Molly bright or shimmy blocks in it prevents this? I'm new to Livebearers and I currently have mollies and I planned on getting guppies and swordtails. Any one have experience with this?
Yes I have a ton of experience. Basically they are adding aquarium salt to the mix. They may be adding copper and that will kill snails, shrimp and crayfish not to mention the long term side effects on everything.

If your tanks are cycled, just add 1-tbs per five gallon of aquarium salt. I use Solar Salt, pure salt, made for water sofeners. Just make sure there are no additives. All livebearers like salt additive and it keep diseases to a min.
It won't be a problem with any fish unless they are softscaled or scaless. Some plecos don't tolerate salt well and people say cories have buoyancy issues. Those being said I used salt at 1tblsp per 10 and it treated my ich and didnt do anything to my plecos and cories. If your looking for a stress coat I would do 1 tblsp per 10 g. 1 per 5 is more for parasites and bacterial infections
Hello Tlay...

Standard aquarium salt is fine for most aquarium fish. "Livebearers", like Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies and Platys will do well with a little and my Corydoras are fine with it. Mollies are really brackish water fish, so they may need a little more. A tablespoon in every 5 gallons of new water is a bit high for most fish and aquarium plants don't seem to do well with this much, long term.

I've kept fancy Gupplies and Corydoras for several years and found a teaspoon, one-third of a tablespoon, is plenty for the fish and with this smaller dose, my plants do a lot better.

Your decision. Experiment with different amounts of standard aquarium salt and see how your fish and plants do.

Thanks B! I did add the 5 tbs this time, but I think next water change I might try to decrease it to make my plants happier. I'm new to Livebearers and wow, they are a whole different world...especially from the goldfish I have previously.
Mollies being brackish fish is another discussion seeing the multiple threads on every forum. But it is still great advice

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