Starfish for a 29?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 9, 2005
Grand Rapids, MI
On liveaquaria, one of their cleaner packages has both a serpent star and a sand-sifting star for a 29 gal (or technically 30). However, they show both get to be 1' or bigger. It just seems that these animals would be too large for an aquarium that size--is that correct? Searching here, there seemed to be the indication that the serpent or brittle stars would be OK. Also, has anyone had any experience with the orange sea star? Liveaquaria has it listed as only growing to 3", easy to care for and reef safe.
My personal choice would be the serpent star and for a number of reasons. The brittle stars arms tend to fall off alot(hence their name) The one in my moms 24 gal was always losing arms. As long as you have plenty of LR the serpent will be a great choice. They are awsome at cleaning up any leftover food and are swift movers. I have no experiance on the orange star but I can vouch for a red sea star instead. I have one thats is about silverdollar size, beautiful addition(been alive for 2 months so far).

Your tank might be to small for a sand sifter. Unless you have tons of sand surface on your SB.

I think the best thing for your tank would be a single serpent star.
I agree with staying away from the sand sifter. They don't seem to live long after they've depleted the sand of food IMO. I do like the brittle - not the green, they're agressive and get huge. I've got a greyish looking one. Very mild and has been with me for over 2 years. Hardly ever see his disk, but ALWAYS see his legs, just hangin out - literally. I did break one leg when I first put him in the tank, but he has not lost one since.

I also have a small (3-4 " total) serpent with red stripes. I see him once every 4 moths or so.
I have a Chocolate Chip Star in my 29gal FOWLR. I have read that they may get rather large, but my LFS is pretty good and already told me that when he get's too large for my tank I can bring him back for exchange. I normally don't like to do that but the rate of growth for these stars is rather slow so I figured it would be a while before I had to return him and by the then I hope to have my wife convinced we need a LARGE tank!!!

If you have a "reef" tank these stars are not something you'd want, they are carnivorous and will eat anything they can get a hold of including corals!
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