Start of a long relationship (planted tank journal)

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What is the plants in the vary front and the plants in the middle there that are a bit taller?
Will the dwarf hair grass get any taller it looks short a inch or so I know it's used as a carpet but don't know much past that and the other one I have never heard of is it hard to keep does it have a common name?
I'm pretty sure that DHG only gets about 2-2.5" tall. The Blyxa (that's what most people call it) grows up to about 7" or so. They're both higher light plants.
Btw the tank looks great!!!! Sorry for the questions just want to know more about plants before I jump in to them
i wish i had a tank i could put DHG in..would love a tank with "grass" like at the bottom..
Yes, that's definitely my flaw. I am very impatient. Maybe that's why I rearrange things so often. Oh well... I'm not touching it now... excpet for maybe trimming some of the rotala so it'll fill in more.

i know what you mean..i have java fern in one tank..that i'm impatiently waiting to green up more (it was in another tank prior) and grow and fill in..i've read their slow i dont know why i'm being impatient with it lol..i've seen the moss wall i'd love to have that..but dont have the tank for it..having major issues with my smaller..and my large one..holds cichlids..which wont
I've got some java fern (wendelev maybe? the one with the different looking leaves) in my 125. I have 3 that are about 8-10" wide. Once they start, they take off big time.
lets hope i have adequate light enough for it..i have it attached ..which will be my first time attaching a plant to something lol
Java fern is a really nice plant to grow: really easy. I tied some to a hunk of drift wood and then jammed it into the spill hose of my pond filter and it's been growing quite nicely in full CO2 and bright direct sunlight.
Java fern is a really nice plant to grow: really easy. I tied some to a hunk of drift wood and then jammed it into the spill hose of my pond filter and it's been growing quite nicely in full CO2 and bright direct sunlight.

awesome..cant wait! lol
Just a quick update. Blyxa is growing wild. DHG is starting to fill in slowly. I ordered some new bulbs over the weekend, Giesemann PowerChrome Aqua Flora bulbs... I'm hoping they'll jump start some growth. I'm getting a little hair algae, but nothing serious. I think it's because I let my autodosers get really low and they just weren't pumping much at all. I'm really loving this tank. I've said it a few times, but I am genuinely happy with it, and it can only get better from here.



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