Starting a 29gallon Planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 17, 2013
Today I am starting my 29gallon planted tank. I have been wanting to do one for quite awhile! Eventually I want a 75 gallon planted tank for Discus.

In order to make room, I am taking down my 20gal long tank.

I don't know much about it, especially plants.
I am going to start with a marineland led single bright light and a fluorescent(purple box)!until I save enough for one light.

I have a Aquatop Cf300 canister filter
Aquatop 150watt heater.

I am going to use 1 20lb bag of Eco complete planted black aquarium
Also a larger and smaller gravel mixture as recommended by the LFS.

I am going to be starting from scratch with the cycle

What is the recommended temperature for a planted tank?

Also since I won't have great lighting to start with, once cycled, what kind of low light plants can I start with. I know I want a banana plant I know that is a low light one.

I ordered some drift wood off amazon today. Out LFS only has driftwood on bases.

And type of rock that works best to make a great display structure? lava rock?

Also is their a recommended fish or will anything do?

Any input is appreciated will post pictures.

Thank you!
Today I am starting my 29gallon planted tank. I have been wanting to do one for quite awhile! Eventually I want a 75 gallon planted tank for Discus.

In order to make room, I am taking down my 20gal long tank.

I don't know much about it, especially plants.
I am going to start with a marineland led single bright light and a fluorescent(purple box)!until I save enough for one light.

I have a Aquatop Cf300 canister filter
Aquatop 150watt heater.

I am going to use 1 20lb bag of Eco complete planted black aquarium
Also a larger and smaller gravel mixture as recommended by the LFS.

I am going to be starting from scratch with the cycle

What is the recommended temperature for a planted tank?

Also since I won't have great lighting to start with, once cycled, what kind of low light plants can I start with. I know I want a banana plant I know that is a low light one.

I ordered some drift wood off amazon today. Out LFS only has driftwood on bases.

And type of rock that works best to make a great display structure? lava rock?

Also is their a recommended fish or will anything do?

Any input is appreciated will post pictures.

Thank you!

Marineland single bright LEDs are not the right spectrum for plant growing. If your budget is tight, you can look into something like this Odyssea T5 Aquarium Lighting

That would let you grow low-medium light plants, so it opens up your options as well.

As for temperature, I mainly base it off the needs of the fish - the plants don't seem to be too picky.

No preferred fish for a planted tank, you can look around and see what fish you like, and then research their compatibility with plants. Various dwarf cichlids, tetras, rasbora, and rainbowfish are commonly put in planted tanks.

I like the look of seiryu stone in my planted tank, you can probably find some on ebay. Lava rock works well too. There are other types of scaping stone available if you look around as well.
It's not just going to be the single bright
I will also have a fluorescent bulb ( comes in a purple box) as recommended by the LFS . And thanks for the input! I personally like gouramis. Was thinking about adding the honey dwarf Gourami.

Our LFS has been bare lately for fish, but they are running a deal this month but 2 get one free. So maybe their stock with be more appealing.
The pricing on that light isn't bad! I will deffinately have to look into that. The light I was looking as was $100 aquatop light in the spikes in the blue and red spectrum as recommended
The pricing on that light isn't bad! I will deffinately have to look into that. The light I was looking as was $100 aquatop light in the spikes in the blue and red spectrum as recommended

Sounds good. I definitely would consider that Odyssea light I linked, with your current lighting situation you won't be able to grow too much outside of the the very, very low light plants.
It's not just going to be the single bright
I will also have a fluorescent bulb ( comes in a purple box) as recommended by the LFS .

This description of your lighting isn't very specific. Fluorescent light in a purple box? Can you be more specific? Watts, color temp, fixture type, etc?

But as stated, a single bright LED is on the extremely low end of lighting. Probably only good for fish-only tanks, where the double bright version is good at low light at best... But as supplemental lighting to your undefined fluorescent lighting, it may boost your overall PAR a bit.

If possible I'd get different lighting all together if you can return the lighting, sell, or exchange it. Many more "better" options out there for your hard earned money can be allocated to.

Sometimes "as recommended" by your LFS isn't the best advice. I'd always take their advice with a grain of salt and weigh it in with research and resources like this forum.
It's a power flo light. I don't know much about the technical side.
I'll learn though!
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Two days in. Started the tank with established water from the 45 gallon

Got a java fern, Anubias nana, and a banana plant.
2 hifin Platys
3 gold danios.

Parameters are
0 ammonia
5ppm trates
7.4 ph
Cryptocoryne is my favorite plant. I have literally tons of it in my 30 gallon. The Wendtii variety is especially hardy. It is easy to grow too. You can also try pretty much any Anubias plant, except for one type, but I can't remember its name. Amazon Swords are pretty hardy, and so is Java Moss. Also Vallisneria is a pretty good plant. There are too many plants to name, but these are the ones that I've had no trouble with.
Java fern is best attached to drift wood a rock or even a suction cup rather than being planted. You can attach it with fishing line or super glue.

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As soo as I read that on someone else's topic I took it out so it's floating until I get my drift wood
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0 ammonia
Nitrate 10 ppm
Nitrate .25-.5ppm
PH 7.4

Tank is close to being cycled!

This is the driftwood I ordered offline not what I expected. I bought another piece from petco that is soaking now

Stocked with

Red sword
Java fern
Banana plant

3 gold danio
2 hi fin Platys
2 cherry barbs
1 honey dwarf gouramiImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1402775132.059848.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1402775172.792888.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1402775238.108366.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1402775297.316306.jpg
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The tank is finished for setting up!

Any recommendations for like ground coverage plants?
Built the canopy for my tank, just have to stain it.

My banana plant is goring like crazy so far along with my red melon sword.

My two red cherry barbs have ich, turned temperature up to about 86.

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