Starting a 55 or 60 gallon tank...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 18, 2006
So I haven't bought a single thing yet, but I've spent all weekend contemplating the purchase of a 55 or 60 gallon tank. I currently have a 10 gal. which houses four young tiger barbs and two mating kribensis. Yesterday, I found eggs! So, I think it would be a nice time to start preparing. First off, I would love to know how many and what type of other fish would work well in this size tank with the aforementioned tank mates. I am planning on having it very well planted with a few pieces of driftwood and a few pagodas (Tiawanese houses w/ the upward pointing roofs) and an awesome matching Taiwanese backdrop that my very talented friend is going to paint for me! What do you think? I would like to get 6 more tiger barbs and have 10 total, and definitely a pleco or two. I was also wondering if this idea I found is a load of crap: "Instead of the absurdly expensive lighting sold in fish stores, go to a hardware store and buy 2 Liteway shop-light fixtures which hold 2 4-foot florescent 40 watt bulbs for $8.99 each and 4 phillips F40D bulbs for $3.99 each". Seems like a GREAT option for a low-budget project. Anyone tried it? I'm basically looking to save wherever possible so any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Actually, if anyone has time, I would love a list that states explicitly everything that I will need to purchase so I can get a good idea of how much this is going to set me back. I've seen the threads on "cost of your freshwater tank" but they vary sooo much, and I don't know who has included EVERYTHING. Thankyou in advance WOW... this is long... Sorry ( :
wow, sounds cool. If you are going with an asian theme, why not include some asian fish?

I think it sounds good.

I have heard of people using shop light fixtures before with sucess, but i never have so you will have to wait for that answer

Let us know what you decide.
Yeah, great idea...

Absolutely, good idea, what are some asian fish examples??? Are there any that would do well with Kribensis AND Tiger Barbs? I've seen fake bonsai trees made for aquariums too, I'll have to include a couple of those. Can I use any of the equipment I already have in my 10 gallon in the 55 to lower the costs? I have two 10 watt Mini Compact Fluorescent Colormax lights by Coralife, a Top Fin 10 Filter, and a Neptune Heater.
If you want to go with the Asian theme, the Kribs wouldn't fit in (they are African ;)). You could always leave them in the 10g...or could just have them as an exception to the theme in the new tank.

Some other Asian fish are:
Odessa Barbs
Rosy barbs-get quite large...6 inches
Zebra danios
Gold Barbs
Harlequin rasboras
These are all schoolers, so you should get a minimum of 6. And I'd just pick one school to go with your tiger barbs.

For bottom feeders, loaches are Asian:
Yoyo loaches
Zebra loaches
Polka dot loaches
Are a few that would work. They like groups so get atleast 4.

For a list of what you'll need, here is a quick one:
-substrate: gravel, sand, whatever you choose...
-heater:250 or 300 watt will work
-filter: for a 55g or 60g, it would be wise to go with a cannister
-plants, wood, decorations, rocks, etc....

If you are thinking of having a low light tank, you could plant it with Java ferns and Crypts, which are Asian. :)

Awesome, Love it, thanks for the advice! I haven't had a loach yet, so I'm particularly excited about that idea! So how's 4 polka dot loaches (so Cool!), 8 harlequin rasboras (can I cycle w/ these guys or are they too delicate?), 8 tiger barbs, 2 kribs, 2 pleco's, and I would really like 2 more pairs of other types of dwarf cichlids, like Mikrogeophagus rammirezi , I've just always wanted a couple that look like these guys - So Beautiful! Would that work? If I have 28 fish in a 55 gallon tank, there shouldn't be too many territory issues right?, and maybe I wouldn't have to gravel vac and do water changes as frequently as I do now with my ten gallon (every other day). What do you think?
That sounds good! You could bump the loaches up to 6 is you decide to make them your only bottom feeders (besides the plecos). They are more entertaining the more you have because they interact alot more in bigger groups. But 4 would work too. Polka dots are cute little guys.

Have you thought about fishless cycling? It would mean looking at the empty tank for a few weeks, but it is a great idea...doesn't stress the fish.

Here are some articles on fishless cycling:

I have heard that Harlequin rasboras are hardy but I've also heard they aren't so I'm not sure. Fishless cycling would be the way to go I think....just tell your barbs and kribs to hang tight in the 10g for a little while longer. :)

I'd be worried about keeping the German Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) with the tiger barbs. Tiger barbs are nippy and male rams have long pretty fins that would be very tempting to the barbs. In a larger group they should focus more on themselves (the barbs) but I wouldn't put it past them to go after the Rams fins. You could try it though and if they go after them, then move the rams to the 10g.

With that stocking you should be able to do weekly water changes....about 40% would be good.

What kind of plecos are you thinking about getting? Stay away from Commons...they get too large. Bristlenose, Rubbernose, and Clowns are a few that stay smaller. There are others though...but if you want 2, I would stay in the 4-6 inch range for each.
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