Starting a low to mid light planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 27, 2012
Camden, Indiana
Looking for some advice on lighting, and possably ferts . Here is what I have , a 60 gallon tall tank 24" tall, used 100 lbs Eco complete substrate with about 40 lbs sand ( wanted a multi layer look). With about 20 lbs black gravel on top. Right now I have a 32w sun bulb for lighting that I am replacing.
After reading alot of different places for lighting ,one of them had a very handy chart showing the differences in lighting intensity with different tank depths and how far off the top of the tank changes it. I decided on a fishcanuseit lighting fixture, 2 t5ho bulbs in 6500 one white and one pink.
What I am wondering is being close to 2wpg at the top of the tank and low lighting on the bottom, will this push me into using ferts and co2? Also, its almost imposable to not have sunlight on the tank , in a old farmhouse with several large windows in each room. Right now I am mainly going to be placing low light plants .
Currently I have hornwort , water wisteria ,Vallisneria americana, Bacopa caroliniana, Egeria densa, java fern and some java moss soon with a piece of driftwood that's still soaking.


Here is a current picture of the tank,
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