Stingray and Shark??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 2, 2003
Upstate South Carolina
Does any one know any informtation on a Banded Shark and/or a California Stingray. I've been looking for info. but apparently not in the right places.
Both require extremly large tanks with extra ordinary surface area. Both are surface level swimmers that need as long and as wide a surface as possible. Both get large (for aquarium inhabtants). Stingrays need a sandy substrate to bury themselves in.

I stronly avocate not keeping these two species.
Sorry i missed this discussion for i wasn't here, but the ray you selected not grows as large and the shark will in time enough get a chunk out of it. And with that, the California Stingray prefers cooler water temperatures. As well, you will need a large tank just for the shark alone once grown to an adult.
Happy New Years All :D
Buddy ><{{{{">
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