Stock Tanks and Kiddie Pools Outdoors

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 26, 2013
Hi All,

I got my first 125 gal stock tank cycled and place a Least Killie and Marble Crayfish in the trap. After three days they were fine so I let them go. I've got 3M-6F Least Killies, 1 large pre-hit Endlers and another Marble Crayfish in the trap. My plan is to slowly add a total of 30-40 Endler feamales all pre-hit by a solid red double lyertail male I produced. I will also add another 10-15 Least Killie females and a few males. I'm running two airlines bottom center and plan to add a 125 gal pond sponge and large carbon filter by Tuesday. I have a group of Salt and Pepper Corys to toss in as well. On the top of the water is duckweed and on the bottom two areas with 5 pieces of PVC cut to 4" for the Crayfish.

My next stocking will start tomorrow in a 6'x6'x18"D kiddie pool. It has just wraped up cycling. In this one I'll add two other bloodlines of Endlers females hit again by by an all read double lyer male I produced. I plan to stock up to 50 Endlers females and about 20 Least Killie females along with Corycats and 2-3 Marble Crayfish same set up as the vat.

I have another vat 175 gal that should be cycled next week. This one I'm setting up an area with tons of floating and sunken breeding mops, plastic netting tangles, duckweed, hornwart and other items. I will stock in 15-20 pre-hit Least Killies all of my cull Endler females pre-hit and a few Corycats. If all goes well, in about a week I'll add some rock structures and 2 grow out pairs of Jack Dempseys.

I have at least one more pool that will need to be re-set, not level enough. This one I plan to place growout Pearl Gouramis, Endlers, Least Killies as I can spare them and a number of Marble Crayfish.

Ok, why you ask? I'm raising food for a Belonasox / Pike Top Water Livebearer project. I am thinking I'll come out with some really nice Endlers, tons of Least Killies and a ton of Marble Crayfish to use as a food source. As back up, because Belonasox eat a lot, I have a breeding pair of Convicts. I should be able to perfect my Endlers lines, expand the Least Killies, have extra Crayfish, Large Pearl Gouramis and two breeding pairs of Jack Dempseys. I'll likely sell a lot of the animals off in the fall and hope to recoup my investment. I am also trying out a breeder trap I designed for Marble Crayfish. More on that later.

If you got advice, I can and will read it. If not, maybe you can try this next years just for fun.
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