stocking 29 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 19, 2005
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey
Ok, so far i want the following for a 29 that will be planted with pool filter sand substrate.

pair of angelfish (what kind is good?)
12 of type of schooling fish (recomendation)
5-6 cories

suggestions welcome

As for angelfish, there are soooo many kinds. Hard to find one that will suit your fancy. I personally like koi angelfish, and you can see a picture of one I used to have in my gallery.

As for a schooling fish, I love Harlequin rasboras. They would look awesome in that tank.
Tiger barbs and angels are not a good mix. The barbs will pick on the angels fins. Beside you need 8 for the barbs to really be themselves and they do get 3" long, so I doubt you would have room for the angels.
I have a barb tank, and they're great. Angels would not be a good idea. My shark sometimes chases the barbs around, but I think they all get along pretty well.

pair of angels, still dont know what kind
12+ black phantom tetras, already have 3
dwarf golden honey gourami, already have
6 cories, dont know what kind
small pleco, recomendations

anything wrong, too many fish
Perhaps a bristlenose pleco or a gold nugget? I dont know that gold nuggets are the best of algae eaters, but they look cool. Bristlenoses from what I understand are some of the best at eating algae?
u may have to many fish if u add the angels. why not jus drop the angel idea and stick with what u have... it is a very nice list without the angels!

as for a pleco go with the bristlenose
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